Up: CCD Data Acquisition Software
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There are a lot of standard application programs which are available as mentioned in the Introduction. Enthusiastic astronomers can bring their own with them. How do these interact with the CCD Data Acquisition system?
All of these programs use a set of standard routines for reading their input parameters and if such a program ever issues a prompt for a data file, you can always either type the actual file name (if you know it), the name of an ACL variable whose value is the file name or else a name of the form Rn (meaning run number < n> ), Sn (meaning store file < n> ) or Tn (meaning temporary file < n> ). The name of the current CCD data file is always held in the ACL variable IMAGE, so to operate on the current image you can always type IMAGE.
Unfortunately these programs have a number of bugs related to the fact that they regard 16 bit numbers as signed whereas in fact in most cases they will be unsigned. The programs are in the process of being updated but unless otherwise stated below use them with caution.
Adam:> PEEP
Enter name of data file :> IMAGE
Adam:> STATS
Enter name of data file :> R4