This procedure includes enough checks to be followed as a "Pre-AO Run" check list, after a long period without observation or when engineering work has been done in GRACE.
On a normal day during an AO observing run
it is not expected that  the Duty Engineer performs the whole list of readiness checks (for example the DE usually won't have to flatten the Deformable Mirror). But as the "daily" and "readiness" checklists share many actions in common, it was decided to write only one procedure. Simply, a note is written any time an action is specific to the complete readiness checklist or instead specific to the reduced daily checklist. 

List of abreviations (or names)

qSummary of NAOMI start-up checks




Inspection of the light path

laser guide star dichroic and flat

View of the new components: Laser Dichroic and Fold. Only the dichroic is in the optical path for science.


Where to store the mirror covers



At the WHT instrument-control screen (taurus)

At the NAOMI control screen: AODISPLAY

AODISPLAY is a pc which allows to emmulate a unix session (via Exceed) either to Navis or lpss42. Use the login name  naomi. The left screen is an 8-bit display and reserved for topgui; the right screen is a 24 bit display and allows to launch more complex (and modern) mimics or gui's. DE checks only  If the AO system has been in use on the previous night, it shouldn't be necessary to log on again.

From AODISPLAY right screen:

oasisgui USP page



Laser (Fisba) Flattening of the DM (Readiness checks only)

Fisba interferometer control window


Interferometer display

Mirror control page to move the segments one by one in tip, tilt or piston


Back to menu

White light flattening of the DM (Readiness checks only)

Back to menu

Perform a Simplex to optimise image quality (Readiness checks only)

Back to menu

Checking the image quality on the Simplex Camera AG7 (Readiness checks only)

Checking light reaches OASIS 

Checking light reaches INGRID (only if it will be used on the following night)

You can also refer to the Naomi Setup and Observing Recipes page, which is more oriented towards AO support astronomers, and is maintained by Chris Benn.

Link to Naomi Engineering page

Link to Naomi Astronomy page

ing logo Last updated: 2007 Mar 26 - Olivier Martin