ACAM Checks


  1. First of all check on the ACAM engineering status panel the access door status and make sure 'Automatic Telescope Refocus' is enabled. Follow the mechanism movements watching the GUI. All movements may be controlled from the GUI as well. The user guide to the ACAM high level software provides more details.

    Continue initializing the three mechanisms; the slit unit and the two filter wheels:

    acamwh2init       OR


    Test the range of the mechanisms and prepare to take a spectra:

    acamslit -p 8
    acamslit -p 4        (1" slit)

    acamwh1 7        (empty)

    acamwh2 7
    acamwh2 6        (deploy the VPH (Volume Phase Holographic), called V400)


  2. Make sure dome lights are off and take a bias:
  3. rspeed acam slow
    window acam 1 "[1:2148,800:3300]"

    bias acam            (Take bias frame)

    Examine the image; record bias level and noise in log book.


  4. Test spectroscopy:
  5. agacamcal        (set flat to direct comparison lamp light to ACAM, smallfeed)

    with LIRIS:  complamps cune
    any other:     complamps cune+cuar

    arc acam 1        (Take an exposure, store as

    The combined CCD status window will show the state of progress as the exposure is read.
    Make sure the spectra gets written (with TCS header information when tracking) to the Observing Log.
    Examine the image; are arc lines visible?

    complamps off


  6. Test imaging:

    Open the mirror petals and switch on the low power top ring flat field lamp (set the intensity to 3/4 on eng. console).
    With ACAM there is no need for any of the three 500W lamps.

    agacam        (set flat to direct light to ACAM, largefeed)

    acamslit -p 1        (is a filter holder present in this position, the FOV will be vignetted!)
    acamwh2 n        (where 'n' is the position (1-6) of a broad band filter like HarV4, BesR, SloGunR or SloGunI)
    flat acam 1        (Take an exposure, store as

    The combined CCD status window will show the state of progress as the exposure is read.
    Make sure the image gets written (with TCS header information when tracking) to the Observing Log.
    Examine the image; is the image evenly illuminated and not saturated?
    The image should on one side extend to the edge of the chip. Is the image perfectly round suspect vignetting and check no filter holder has been left in position 1 of the Slit Unit.

    Close mirror petals and switch off top ring flat field lamp.



This file:
Jürg Rey, 22 August, 2009