See the following sections for a detailed command description.

Zx - Zero set/reset

Ux - Units select ...........'x' is 0 or 1

Lx - Literal 'unit' descriptor

Mx - Mode of transmission.

T - Trigger (used with M)

?y - Query limits ..........'y' is A,B,P,X,Y

Rz - Reset limits ............'z' is A or 0 - 7

Sn - Select channel.......... 'n' is 0 - 7

Pn$ - Preset

An$ - High Limit set .......'$' is a numeric string

Bn$ - Low Limit set

Command Description


Function: Zeroes the currently selected channel. This command mimics the ZERO/ABS button.

Syntax: Zx where x is 0 or 1

Parameters: x = 0 Clear a previously set zero and return to absolute measurement.

x = 1 Zero the current channel.

Initial State: x = 0


Function: Selects Units for the current channel. This mimics the UNITS button.

Syntax: Ux where x is 0 or 1

Parameters: x = 0 Set units to millimetres (or radians).

x = 1 Set units to inches (or degrees).

Initial State: x = 0


Function: Allows the literal description of units eg. 'inches', 'mm' to be sent in the transmitted data string.

Syntax: Lx where x is 0 or 1

Parameters: x = 0 Units descriptor not sent.

x = 1 Include units descriptor.

Initial State: x = 0


Function: Select Mode of transmission Either continuous or when requested by a trigger command.

Syntax: Mx where x is 0 or 1

Parameters: x = 0 Continuous transmission.

x = 1 Disables continuous transmisson.

Data is sent only after a 'T' command.

Initial State: x = 0


Function: Triggers M9000 data output. This command can only be used after the mode is set to '1'.

Syntax: T

Parameters: None

When mode MI is set, the instrument measurement rate speeds up by about 20%.


Function: Query the values of M9000 setpoints.

Syntax: ?r where r is A,B,P,X,Y

Parameters: r =A HIGH LIMIT





NB: The M9000 must have been set to mode Ml first.


Function: Reset setpoint/status parameters.

Syntax: Rz where z is A or 0 - 7

Parameters: z = A Clears all the parameters of all the channels to their initial states.

z = 0 -7 Clears all the parameters of a given channel to their initial states.


Function: Select a channel.

Syntax: Sn where n is 0 - 7

Parameters: n = 0 - 7 select a channel to be read.

Initial State: n = 0, Channel 0 selected


Function: Allows a preset offset to be entered that measurements will be referenced to. A pre-set can be set on top of a zero and the units can be altered as normal.

Syntax: Pn$ where n is 0 - 7; $ is a numeric string of the form (s)N(N.NNNN)

s = + or -

N = 0 - 9

() = Optional sections

$ is subtracted from the reading.

Examples of '$' are 10, +10.000, -10, -0.1014

The command: 'P710' will Preset channel 7 with the value 10. If the display was showing 11.214 then the new reading after executing the command will be 1.214

Initial State: Preset not set (ie 0)


Function: Set a value above which an alarm is activated.

When the displayed reading (irrespective of a zero or pre-set) exceeds the value of $ then the message 'too hi' is flashed.

Syntax: An$ where n is 0 - 7; $ is a numeric string of the form (s)N(N.NNNN)

s = + or -

N = 0 - 9

() = Optional sections

Examples of '$'are: 10, +10.000, -10, -0.1014

The command 'A710' would set channel 7 with a high limit of 10.

i.e. If the display reads 10.001 then the message TOO HI is flashed alternately with 10.001.

Initial State: No high limits set


Function: Set a value below which an alarm is activated. When the displayed reading (irrespective of a zero or pre-set) exceeds the value of $ then the message TOO LO is flashed.

Syntax: Bn$ where n is 0 - 7; $ is a numeric string of the form (s)N(N.NNNN)

s = + or -

N = 0 - 9

() = Optional sections

Example: The command 'B7-10' would set channel 7 with a low limit of -10. If the display reads -10.001 then the message TOO LO is flashed alternately with -10.001.

Initial State: No low limits set.

Note that the alarms are activated at the same point no matter what the units.

eg. If a limit is set at 1.000 inch an alarm will occur when the display is 25.400mm.