These manuals are kept on the shelf in the control room

Technical manual [1] Telescope cabling schedules set 1

  1. Electrical specification
  2. Mechanical specification
  3. Telescope wiring schedules
  4. Desk wiring schedules

Technical manual [2] Telescope cabling schedules set 2

  1. Electrical specification
  2. Mechanical specification
  3. Telescope wiring schedules
  4. Desk wiring schedules

Technical manual [3] Telescope cabling details

  1. Telescope cabling for on telescope functions
  2. Instrumentation cabling
  3. Detector cabling

Technical manual [4] Grubb Parsons Telescope Handbook vol 1

  1. Safety
  2. Telescope Description
  3. Telescope Operation
  4. Adjustments and Maintenance
  5. Appendices

Technical manual [5] Grubb Parsons Telescope Handbook vol 2

  1. Schedule of technical information
  2. Manufacturers catalogues C.2-1 to C.2-14

Technical manual [6] Grubb Parsons Telescope Handbook vol 3

  1. Manufacturers catalogues C.2-15 to C.2-46

Technical manual [7] Grubb Parsons Telescope Handbook vol 4

  1. Manufacturers catalogues C.2-47 to C.2-71
  2. List of suppliers

Technical manual [9] Grubb Parsons Telescope Handbook vol 1

  1. Safety
  2. Telescope Description
  3. Telescope Operation
  4. Adjustments and Maintenance
  5. Appendices

Technical manual [10] Master Telescope Drawings

  1. Drawings TB6-000 to TB6-290
Technical manual [11] Master Telescope Drawings
  1. Drawings TB6-400 to TB6-703
Technical manual [12] Master Telescope Drawings
  1. Drawings BB6-001 to BB6-117
  2. Diagnostic Display circuit diagrams (obsolete since DEC ALPHA TCS)

Technical manual [13] JKT Dome

  1. Specification for the one metre dome
  2. Operations and Maintenance manual

Technical manual [14] Dome control circuits

  1. Dome cabling details
  2. Dome interface circuits
  3. Dome control circuits from control desk
  4. Dome circuit diagrams for encoder line driver

Technical manual [15] JKT Rising Floor

  1. Operations and maintenance manual
  2. Dome Operations and Maintenance manual second copy
  3. Drawings for the rising floor (schematic and wiring details)

Technical manual [16] Dome and building drawings

  1. One metre telescope building drawings
  2. Brittain Steel dome drawings

Technical manual [17] CAMAC Configurations

  1. Introduction to CAMAC
  2. One metre telescope CAMAC schedules
  3. CAMAC Testing Software

Technical manual [18] 1m Telescope Servo Control

  1. Schematic of the JKT control system
  2. Report on the JKT Telescope
  3. RA and DEC servo Systems
  4. Appendices

Technical manual [19] JKT Mirror support system

OBSOLETE (WHT/INT Mirror support manual replaces this)
  1. Operators manual

Technical manual [20] Integrating TV system

  1. Technical manual
  2. A low level Integrating Television system Specification
  3. Operating and Service manual for Westinghouse TV cameras

Technical manual [21] Grinnell Integrating TV System

  1. Operating and Maintenance manuals

Technical manual [22] Ellis Acquisition Box

  1. Technical manual

Technical manual [23] CCD A&G box (JAG)

  1. Taming the JKT CCD A&G box (JAG)
  2. Local control system
  3. 4MS local controller software

Technical manual [24] CCD A&G Box (JAG)

  1. 4MS Modules
  2. Circuit Diagrams
  3. Photographs of Autoguider assembly

Technical manual [25] CCD A&G Box

  1. XP640 EPROM Programmer users manual
  2. 9121D/S Flexible Disc drive
  3. SMDM processor card 6303
  4. 6303 circuit diagram
  5. 9121D/S disc memory operators manual
  6. data sheets
  7. MC6809 programmers manual
  8. Exorset graphics and the A\&G box mimic display
  9. Guide to using the Mimic display package on the exorset

Technical manual [26] CCD A&G Box

  1. Forth Reference manual
  2. 4MS Reference manual
Manuals for old instruments

These instruments have been withdrawn. Some are still on site, but others have been returned to their home institutions. They are kept in the electronics ground floor store.

Technical manual [27] Charge Coupled Devices CCDS


Technical manual [28] Peoples Photometer

OBSOLETE (on site)

Technical manual [29] Wide Field Camera and the R.B.S.

OBSOLETE (WFC on site, R.B.S. returned)

Technical manual [30] Queens University of Belfast Echelle Spectrograph (QUBES)

OBSOLETE (returned)

Technical manuals [31– 40] MultiPurpose Fotometer MPF

OBSOLETE (returned)

File last updated : 3/8/2001  ejm