NAOMI Sequencer2 Python API Commands


Version: 1.1


Nigel Dipper 01-December-2000


University of Durham, Dept. of Physics






This is a temporary document that will be incorporated into the NAOMI Sequencer API ICD at a later date.


Level0Gui support Library (L0GuiEPM).


This library provides access to all NAOMI mechanisms at the assembly record level.


A list of available commands follows for each NAOMI assembly record.

Note that the NAOMI SDSU camera commands have not yet been included.


The format for sending a command to Sequencer2 (See Sequencer API ICD) is:


CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.<Assembly>.<Command>(<args>)") where the assemblies and commands are as follows:


1) Pickoff

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            PickoffPosnX, PickoffPosnY:   Position in mm

            PickoffTime:                                         Length of time for movement

            LensletNumber                                     Lenslet number

            PickoffOk:                                            Status


1.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Get()")


1.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Index()")


1.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Setup()")


1.4) SetTime

            Set the time taken (in secs) for subsequent movements of the pickoff.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.SetTime(5.0)")


1.5) SetLenslet

            Move the lenslet wheel so that a numbered lenlet is deployed.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.SetLenslet(2)")


1.6) Move

            Moves the pickoff to an absolute position in mm in x and y.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Move(x=10, y=20)")

          If either the x or y argument is not present, the relevant current position will be used.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Move( y=20)")

            will move the pickoff to y=20 mm with the x position unchanged.


1.7) Offset

            Moves the pickoff to a new position with respect to its current position. The offsets are in mm.

            (Positive => Up/Right; Negative => Down/Left).

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Offset(x=5.1, y=-15.2)")

            Moves the pickoff 5.1mm to right and 15.2 mm down from its current position.

          If either the x or y argument is not present, no movement will occur in that dimension.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Offset( y=20)")

            will move the pickoff 20 mm up, with no movement in x.


1.8) Up

            Move the pickoff up by one coarse increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Up()")


1.9) Down

            Move the pickoff down by one coarse increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Down()")


1.10) Left

            Move the pickoff left by one coarse increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Left()")


1.11) Right

            Move the pickoff right by one coarse increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.Right()")


1.8) UpFine

            Move the pickoff up by one fine increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.UpFine()")


1.9) DownFine

            Move the pickoff down by one fine increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.DownFine()")


1.10) LeftFine

            Move the pickoff left by one fine increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.LeftFine()")


1.11) RightFine

            Move the pickoff right by one fine increment.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Pickoff.RightFine()")


2) Filters

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            FilterNumber:                                       Filter number

            FilterOk:                                               Status


2.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Filter.Get()")


2.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Filter.Index()")


2.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Filter.Setup()")


2.4) Set

            Move the filter wheel so that a numbered filter is deployed

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Filter.Set(4)")


3) Deformable Mirror Stage

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            DMstagePosnX, DMstagePosnY:         Position in ??

            DMstageOk:                                        Status


3.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.DMstage.Get()")


3.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.DMstage.Index()")


3.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.DMstage.Setup()")


3.4) Move

            Moves the DM stage to an absolute position in mm in x and y.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.DMstage.Move(x=10, y=20)")

          If either the x or y argument is not present, the relevant current position will be used.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.DMstage.Move( y=20)")

            will move the DM stage to y=20 mm with the x position unchanged.


4) Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC)

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            ADCangle:                                           Angle in degrees of ADC prism

            ADCOk:                                              Status


4.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.ADC.Get()")


4.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.ADC.Index()")


4.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.ADC.Setup()")


4.4) Set

            Set the ADC prism to the given angle in degrees.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.ADC.Set(123.4)")


5) Other Mechanisms

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            CameraState:                                        Camera on or off

            CameraShutterState:                             Camera shutter Open or Closed

            CameraCalibState:                                Camera calibraation source on or off

            OtherMechanismsOk:                           Status


5.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Others.Get()")


5.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Others.Index()")


5.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Others.Setup()")


5.4) CameraSwitchSet

            Change the camera switch setting to 'On' or 'Off'.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Others.CameraSwitchSet('On')")


5.5) ShutterSwitchSet

            Move the shutter to its 'Open' or 'Closed' position.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Others.ShutterSwitchSet('Open')")


5.6) CalibrationSourceSwitchSet

            Change the WFS calibration source switch setting to 'On' or 'Off'.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.Others.CalibrationSourceSwitchSet('Off')")


6) NAOMI Calibration Unit (NCU) Beamsplitter

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            NCUbeamsplitState:                             Deployment ('In' or 'Out')

            NCUbeamsplit Ok:                              Status


6.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUbeamsplitter.Get()")


6.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUbeamsplitter.Index()")


6.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUbeamsplitter.Setup()")


6.4) Set

            Move the beamsplitter either 'In' or 'Out'

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUbeamsplitter.Set('In')")


6) NAOMI Calibration Unit (NCU) Mask

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            NCUmaskState:                                   Deployment ('In' or 'Out')

            NCUmaskOk:                                      Status


6.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUmask.Get()")


6.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUmask.Index()")


6.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUmask.Setup()")


6.4) Set

            Move the mask either 'In' or 'Out'.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUmask.Set('In')")


7) NAOMI Calibration Unit (NCU) Lamp

            The EPM state variables for this assembly are:

            NCUlampState:                                    Switch set to 'On' or 'Off'

            NCUlampIntensity:                               Lamp intensity

            NCUlampOk:                                       Status


7.1) Get

            Get the status of the assembly and update the relevent state variables in the EPM.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUlamp.Get()")


7.2) Index

            Index the entire assembly.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUlamp.Index()")


7.3) Setup

            Setup the entire assembly. This sets all devices within the assembly to a default startup state.

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUlamp.Setup()")


7.4) Set

            Set the lamp switch to either 'On' or 'Off'

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUlamp.Set('On')")


7.4) SetIntensity

            Set the lamp intensity

            Example: CommandToElectra("L0GuiEPM.NCUlamp.SetIntensity(50)")