NAOMI Sequencer API

Version 0.1

Nigel Dipper  25-May-2002




1.      Scope
This is a preliminary document that defines the parts of the API to the Naomi sequencer that relate to the WFS and SG libraries.
This will be incorporated into the full sequencer API document.


This library provides EPM aware facilities related to the operation of the Naomi wave-front sensor.

2.1 Offsets

2.1.1 Get
Get the WFS offsets from the C40s to the EPM:
Call: WFSEPM.WFSoffsets.Get()

(Not used as yet)

2.1.2 Set

Set the WFS offsets to the values stored in the EPM:

Call: WFSEPM.WFSoffsets.Set()

(Not used yet)


2.1.3 SetToCurrentCentroids

Set the offsets from the current centroids.

Call: WFSEPM.WFSoffsets.SetToCurrentCentroids(<numFrames>, <camera>)


‘numFrames’ is the number of frames of centroids to use to calculate the offsets

‘camera’ should be set to ‘master’ or ‘slave’. Defaults to ‘master’


2.1.4 Zero

Set the offsets in the C40s to zero.

Call: WFSEPM.WFSoffsets.Zero()


2.1.5 Save

Save the current offsets to file.

Call: WFSEPM.WFSoffsets.Save(<camera>)


‘camera’ should be set to ‘master’ or ‘slave’.

The filename is set in WFSlib.


2.1.6 Load

Load WFS offsets from file and set in C40s.

Call: WFSEPM.WFSoffsets.Load(<filename>)


      ‘filename’ is the full path name of the file to be loaded.

2.2 Pixel Decimation


            2.2.1 Get

Get the pixel decimation rate from the realtime system to the EPM.

Call: WFSEPM.PixelDecimate.Get()


2.2.2 Set

Set the pixel decimation rate in the realtime system

Call: WFSEPM.PixelDecimate.Set()


2.2 Centroid Decimation


            2.2.1 Get

Get the centroid decimation rate from the realtime system to the EPM.

Call: WFSEPM.CentroidDecimate.Get()


2.2.2 Set

Set the centroid decimation rate in the realtime system

Call: WFSEPM.CentroidDecimate.Set()


2.3 Framing State


            2.3.1 Set

            Set the framing state of the WFS.

            Call: WFSEPM.FramingState.Set(<state>)


                        ‘state’ should be set to ‘Start’ or ‘Stop’


2.4 Loop State


            2.4.1 Get

            Get the state of the WFS loop to the EPM.

            Call: WFSEPM.LoopState.Get()


            2.4.2 Set

            Set the WFS loop state

            Call: WFSEPM.LoopState.Set(<state>)


                        ‘state’ should be set to ‘Closed’ or ‘Open’


2.5 Loop Gain


            2.5.1 Get

            Get the loop gain to the EPM

            Call: WFSEPM.GlobalLoopGain.Get()


            2.5.2 Set

            Set the loop gain

            Call: WFSEPM.GlobalLoopGain.Set(<gain>)


2.6 Tip/Tilt Loop Gain


            2.6.1 Get

            Get the tip/tilt gains to the EPM

            Call: WFSEPM.TTloopGain.Get()


            2.6.2 Set

            Set the tip/tilt gains

            Call: WFSEPM.TTloopGain.Set([<xgain>, <ygain>]


                        [<xgain>, <ygain>] is a list



2.7 Break Transaction


            2.7.1 Set

            This will break a WFS transaction

            Call: WFSEPM.BreakTransaction.Set()


2.8 Segment Tilt Limit


            2.8.1 Get

            Get the current segment tilt limit to the EPM

            Call: WFSEPM.SegTiltLimit.Get()


            2.8.2 Set

            Set the segment tilt limit

            Call: WFSEPM.SegTiltLimit.Set(<limit>)



 This library provides EPM aware facilities related to the strain guages.


3.1 Framing State


3.3.1 Set

            Set the framing state of the SG.

            Call: SGEPM.FramingState.Set(<state>)


                        ‘state’ should be set to ‘Start’ or ‘Stop’


3.2 Loop State


            3.2.1 Get

            Get the state of the SG loop to the EPM.

            Call: SGEPM.LoopState.Get()


            3.2.2 Set

            Set the SG loop state

            Call: SGEPM.LoopState.Set(<state>)


                        ‘state’ should be set to ‘Closed’ or ‘Open’


3.3 Break Transaction


            3.3.1 Set

            This will break a SG transaction

            Call: SGEPM.BreakTransaction.Set()