Notes from Operational Concept Meeting 10/5/99.




Present:  BDK, AJV, CJT, AJL


What top level procedures do we need?

How do we acquire

(a)     in normal observing mode

(b)    if we don't find guidestar

(c)      if we don't see object as expected?

(d)    How do we touch up on a guide star / object coordinate to centre or off-set science object

(e)     What coordinate system do we use intrernally for NAOMI given how telescope up-dates derotator etc. When/where does conversion take place?


What happens in WFS if there is a star within 2".5 ?  Crowded fields….?

How do we do AO self-reference correction on objects with <2".5 separation?

How does GHRIL camera view  / acquisition work at present?



Can we take pre-corr camera to La Palma in May or June?

Image scale and field of pre-corr camera

What guide-star counts can/do we get from C40s

Should we put stop on pick-off to limit FOV to a sub-aperture or does the fact that it is not at a focus mean that the field edge would vignette too much?

Where is current definition of PCC requirements?