Setting up TCS files

Check for command files

The following files should have been copied to SYS$MANAGER during VMS customisation:

On a development machine, the following file should also have been copied:

Create Users

Create top-level directories

On development machine only:

Copy directories and files

Make a tape backup of the TCS-related directories on the machine to be replaced. The following instructions assume that the tape drive is MKA500.

The WHT TCS machine has a separate disk for the autoguider and encoder logs. These should be copied as follows:

The development machine contains directories that are not present on the TCS machines, including source and archive directories. If the development machine is being replaced, also copy these directories as follows:

Set passwords

Define and enable the SYSLOG service

If SYSLOG started successfully, there should be "This is a test message" on the last line of the file.
Then edit LPASn_STARTUP.COM and uncomment the line:

If an error occurs when running the file DEFINE_SYSLOG_SERVICE.COM, or if there is an error message or no test message at the end of SYSLOGD.LOG, check which version of TCPIP is running. Use the command:

on both the old and new machines. Sometimes a new version of TCPIP requires a change to the file DEFINE_SYSLOG_SERVICE.COM, specifically to the /FLAGS qualifier. The FLAGS qualifier should be either /FLAGS=NONE or /FLAGS=NOLISTEN. Change the qualifier from one to the other, then restart SYSLOGD as follows:

Start batch jobs

LOG_TIDY.COM runs weekly; it deletes old log files and writes the results to SYS$MANAGER:LOG_TIDY.LOG . 

NETBCK.COM runs daily; on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it performs an incremental backup of all files, the backup is written to disk on LPVF. The log file is written to SYS$MANAGER:NETBCK.LOG and the journal file is written to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[DUMP]monyy_LPASn.BJL

Install DFU

The following command will install the version of DFU that was copied from the machine to be replaced. There may be a later version on the Freeware CDs in the HPcampus quarterly distribution.

TCS Software Manager
Last modified: 15 May 2006