rsrun command

This page is part of the ING manual INS-DAS-29 Operations Manual for UltraDAS.


rsrun performs a sequence of exposures for rapid spectroscopy on the camera, reads them out and saves the data in a FITS file containing the exposures in a sequence of FITS extensions. The file is passed to the archiving and logging facilities. The observation is assumed to be a science exposure (c.f. runs made by the dark and bias commands. The command multrsrun makes a series of rsruns.

A title may be given for the observation: the title appears as the datum of the OBJECT keyword in the FITS headers and as the target name in the observing log. If no title is given, the system attempts to read the target name from the TCS: this makes the value for the OBJECT keyword the same as that for the CAT-NAME keyword. If the TCS does not answer, then the title defaults to "(object not named)".


   rsrun [<camera>|<instrument>] <number-of-exposures> <exposure-time> ["<title>"]
   multrsrun [<camera>|<instrument>] <n-obs> <number-of-exposures> <exposure-time>
where number-of-exposures is the required number of exposures in the sequence, exp-time is in seconds and n-obs is the number of cycles in a multrsrun. The title-string must be enclosed in double quotes.


    rsrun red 127 1 "rapid spectroscopy run"
performs a series of 127 one second integrations.

Notes and caveats:

The rsrun command is only available in observing systems later than S10-1. The S10-1 command driftrun is renamed to rsrun in later observing systems.
The rsrun command is currently only available for use with the TEK4 camera on ISIS RED. It is designed for use with windows of approximately 1100 x 35 (e.g. [1:1100,205:240]).
The shutter is opened at the start of the rsrun, and remains open until the rsrun sequence is completed.