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Configuration files for UltraDAS

Issue 2.6, finished on 25th February 2008
Richard Bassom, ING -





Purpose of this document

The syntax and semantics of UltraDAS' configuration files are defined. The validity of the UltraDAS software may be judged against this specification. ING staff who need to set up an UltraDAS installation should consult this document for to find the proper usage of the configuration files.

Scope of the interface

The configuration files are used by server programmes in UltraDAS. At the time of writing, the consumer programmes are udas_server (of the DAS) and udas_hct (of the CIA). The client programmes of UltraDAS also sometimes use the configuration files.


  1. Co-ordinate systems for UltraDAS

  2. ING document  INS-DAS-19
  3. Client Display Library

  4. IRAF document at

Changes to the document

Issue 2, all drafts:

Names, location and purpose of the files

The configuration files adapt generic UltraDAS programmes to particular instruments and cameras and to the computing environment at particular telescopes. The files are installed with the UltraDAS software, but are not subject to the same version control strictures as the compiled software. It is intended that support staff can edit the configuration during the lifetime of a particular version of an observing system, and that this does not require a re-release of the system or a formal patch.

The configuration files are all kept in /int/etc, /jkt/etc or /wht/etc, as befits the telescope they serve.  There is a separate installation of configuration files for each telescope. UltraDAS requires that there also be a directory /INT which is a link to /int (or /JKT linked to /jkt, or /WHT linked to /wht).  That is, when UltraDAS programmes look for the configuration files they may use either upper or lower case (but not mixed case) for the name of the telescope.

An UltraDAS installation uses only the file-tree for the telescope it serves. For example, UltraDAS at the INT does not need to see /jkt or /wht.

The files are kept higher up in the file-trees than the observing systems and the patches; that is, the location is, e.g., /int/etc rather than /int/s8-1/etc. This is deliberate: the configuration files are shared between versions of the observing system and do not need to be re-installed when a new system-version is released.

All the configuration files have names beginning with "udas_" and ending in ".dat".

There is one configuration file for the host computer as a whole: its is called  udas_<host>.dat, where <host> stands for the last part of the name of the computer. For example, the DAS computer at the INT is, at the time of writing, lpss14. The configuration file for this /int/etc/udas_lpss14.dat. The host-name embedded in the file-name must be that returned by the function gethostname(3C). The host-configuration file describes aspects of the system that are common for all instruments and cameras.  Typically, this file just lists the data discs available on a given DAS computer (via the obsdata statement). The file must be present for each node used by UltraDAS even if there are no statements to put in it. This means that the system computer (where udas_hct runs) has to have a host-configuration file separately from the DAS computer.

There is one configuration file for each supported instrument; UltraDAS will work badly, or may refuse to work at all, if the instrument configuration is missing. The file-name embeds the formal name of the instrument: e.g. udas_IDS.dat; note the capitalization: case is significant. The instrument configuration contains data that are specific to the instrument but are independent of the choice of camera.

There is one configuration file for each supported camera. UltraDAS cannot drive a camera for which it does not have a configuration. The file-name embeds the formal name of the camera: e.g. udas_EEV11.dat; note the capitalization: case is significant.  For symmetry, and because the configuration code is the same in all programmes, UltraDAS treats the header-collection task (HCT) as an honorary camera: the "camera" configuration udas_HCT.dat must exist (but is typically an empty file).

In some cases, the instrument configuration and the camera configuration may be the same file: e.g. udas_WFC.dat and udas_INGRID.dat

The files are read in the order host-instrument-camera. It is commonplace for udas_hct to read more than instrument-configuration, and udas_server may do so. A given programme reads only one camera configuration. Some statements may be countermanded if they appear in more than one configuration-file; in this case, the system uses the version of the statement that it read last. If the instrument configuration and the camera configuration are the same file, then the system may read and parse it twice: this has the same effect as just reading the file once.

The syntax of the files

The three types of configuration - system, instrument and camera - use the same syntax, and any configuration statement
that is valid in one file is syntactically valid in any of them.  However, not all statements make semantic sense in all the files.

The configuration files are ASCII text-files and should contain only printing characters; tab characters are acceptable as white space. The files may be edited using ordinary text-editors.

The files are broken into statements separated by the standard new-line character for the operating system of the underlying computer. Each statement completely defines one aspect of the configuration. No statement is split between two lines and there are no dependencies between lines that effect the parsing.

Lines beginning with a hash character are comments. These are ignored by the parsing software, as are blank lines.

Lines of valid configuration consist in a series of words separated by white space. The word separators may contain any number of white-space characters.

The first word is always an integer giving the number of a readout channel. Some configuration statements are specific to one readout channel of a camera, and the number specifies the channel. For statements that are not specific to one channel, the number must be present but its value is ignored by the parsing software; by convention, these numbers should be set to zero in the file.

The second word is always a keyword defining the intent of the statement. Case is significant; the keywords must always be in lower case.

The third and subsequent words associate values with the keyword and their syntax varies from keyword to keyword.

The syntax and semantics of particular configuration statements


This defines the size and shape of the raster produced from a particular readout channel (i.e. from one amplifier of the detector) when windows and binning are not being applied. The third word of the statement is the size in pixels in the x direction and the fourth word is the size in pixels in the y direction. These directions are defined in amplifier co-ordinates. That is, the faster-varying pixel-coordinate in the readout is x and the slower-varying is y, regardless of how the raster is arranged on the the detector.


1 ampsize 1076 4096
There must be one ampsize statement for each readout channel. If an amplifier does not have an ampsize statement then UltraDAS understands that no pixels from that amplifier will be sent from the detector controller to the DAS under any circumstances.


This states the name for one amplifier of the detector: the name is the third word of the command. C.f. ccdname. This datum is carried through the system, into the FITS descriptor "AMPNAME".


1 ampname Left-hand
There should be one ampname statement for each readout channel.


This describes the amplifier co-ordinate-space for one amplifier in terms of the mapping from a-space to detector space.  See below for a discussion of the syntax.


2 aspace -1 0 1 1 2048 0
There should be one aspace statement per readout channel.  If a channel has no aspace statement, then its amplifier space is taken to have the same origin, scale and alignment as detector space.


This states the bias section - i.e. the unlit area of the image from which the bias level should be estimated - for one channel.  Four areas are listed, one for each side of the channel's readout section, and the system will pick the one with the largest intersection of a particular observation (i.e. the choice changes with windowing).  The first section listed is for the left-hand side of the readout section and the others follow round in a clockwise direction. Each area is described by an IRAF-style image section, in the readout co-ordinates of the channel to which it applies. If there is no bias section on a particular side, the section should be given as [0:0,0:0].


1 biassec [15:45,20:4180] [15:2140,4100:4150] [2100:2140,20:4180] [0:0,0:0]
says that the bias sections runs from x =15 to x=45 inclusive and y=20 to y=4180 inclusive etc: these might be appropriate for an EEV4280 CCD which has both underscan and overscan in x but only overscan in y.

Each channel should have exactly one biassec statement if bias is extracted from unlit pixels, as is normal with CCDs. If, as with IR arrays, bias is extracted from a separate readout, then no biassec statements should be used for the camera in question.



This states the pixel format in which the data should be written to FITS files. The datum is the number of bits per pixel, made positive for integer formats and negative for floating-point formats. The only proper values are 16 and -32.


0 bitpix -32
says that all images should be in 32-bit floating-point format.

If bitpix is not given, the default format depends on what has been done to the data. Any observations in which images have been coadded or covaeraged will come out as 32-bit floating point numbers; all other observations will come out as 16 bit integers.


This defines the numeric identifier for a detector controller. UltraDAS uses this to distinguish the controller when more than one is connected to the DAS computer, and also to check that the correct controller is connected. The third word of the statement is read as an unsigned integer and the least-significant eight bits must match the code wired into the camera's ID-plug.


0 ccdcid 0x2b
Ccdcid statements should only be put in camera configurations.


This specifies programme ("lod") files to be run on the two DSPs in the detector controller. The third word specifies the programme for the timing DSP and the fourth word specifies the programme for the utility DSP. The programme names must include the file-name extension .lod but must not specify the directory in which the programmes are kept (UltraDAS looks for the programmes along the user's search-path).


0 ccdcprog udas_eev42_dual_timing.lod udas_utility.lod
Ccdcprog statements are usually found only in camera configurations.


This specifies programme ("lod") files to be run on the two DSPs in the detector controller. The third word specifies the generation number of the controller. The fourth word specifies the programme for the timing DSP and the fifth word specifies the programme for the utility DSP. The programme names must include the file-name extension .lod but must not specify the directory in which the programmes are kept (UltraDAS looks for the programmes along the user's search-path).

This command was added to UltraDAS following the introduction of Gen III SDSU camera controllers, since the old GEN II and the new Gen III controllers require different DSP files. This command allows a camera to be used with either Gen II or later generation (3, 4, 5 etc.. ) controllers. If a camera is required to be used by both Gen II and Gen III controllers, then the configuration file should contain a ccdcprog entry for the Gen II DSP files, and a ccdcprog_gen entry for the Gen III DSP files.


0 ccdcprog_gen 3 udas_CCD4710_timing3.lod udas_CCD4710_utility3.lod
ccdcprog_gen statements are usually found only in camera configurations.


This names a particular detector-chip within the camera: the name is the third word of the statement. C.f. ampname. This datum is carried through the system into the FITS descriptor "CCDNAME".


1 ccdname "WFC-1"
There should be one ccdname statement for each readout channel. Where two or more channels come from one chip, they each have a ccdname statement with the same value.


This sets for one channel the chip-type string that is copied to the FITS-header keyword CCDTYPE. The third word is the value of the statement that is copied to FITS.


1 chiptype "HAWAII-2"


This sets the number of clearing reads to be performed before a run, multrun, or coaverage sequence. This is provided to reduce the effects of image persistence that are seen on the Hawaii infrared arrays. The clearing reads will only be performed for ndr cameras. See ndr configuration keyword.


0 clearreads 3


This sets the name of the image display used by UltraDAS. The third word of the statement is a specification of the display in the form understood by  IRAF's client-display library . The fourth word is the number of the display frame to which readout-channel 1 is sent; if channel 1 goes to frame f, then channel 1+n goes to frame (f+n) mod 4.


0 display inet:60002:lpss13 1
0 display inet:60002:lpss13 3
If the first of the two display statements above appears in udas_A.dat for camera A and the second statement appears in udas_B.dat for camera B, then A and B can share the display connected at IP-port 60002 on lpss13. Presuming A and B to each have two channels,  A displays to frames 1 and 2 and B displays to frames 3 and 4.

There should be a default "display" statement in the system configuration. Individual cameras can override this in their own configurations if necessary. If it is intended that no camera displays, put "0 display none 1" in the system configuration.

NB: at the time of writing, the future syntax and semantics of display are undecided.


This adds a manually configured FITS card to the output FITS files. This creates a FITS card of type INT.


0 fits_int DISPAXIS 2 Dispersion_axis
This adds the FITS card DISPAXIS to the output FITS files with integer value 2 and comment "Dispersion_axis". The comment field must not contain any whitespaces.


This adds a manually configured FITS card to the output FITS files. This creates a FITS card of type DOUBLE.


0 fits_double FITSDOUB 123.45    Test_comment_for_double
This adds the FITS card FITSDOUB to the output FITS files with double value 123.45 and comment "Test_comment_for_double". The comment field must not contain any whitespaces.


This adds a manually configured FITS card to the output FITS files. This creates a FITS card of type STRING.


0 fits_string TESTCARD TestValue Test_description
This adds the FITS card TESTCARD to the output FITS files with string value TestValue and comment "Test_description". The string value and comment fields must not contain any whitespaces.


This describes the image co-ordinate-space (i.e. that used for the output images) for one channel in terms of the mapping from i-space to detector space.  See below for a discussion of the syntax.


2 ispace -1 0 1 1 2048 0
There should be one ispace statement per readout channel.  If a channel has no ispace statement, then its i-space is assumes to have the same origin, scale and alignment as detector space.


This states how the images from different channels are combined when a full-frame readout is done. The statement asserts that pixels from one channel should be joined to pixels from another and output in the image space (q.v. ispace) of the latter channel.


1 jointo 1
2 jointo 1
states that channels 1 and 2 are to be combined in the image-space of channel 1. Note that it is valid to "join a channel to itself". In fact, this is the default: if there is no jointo statement for a channel, it joins with itself and its pixels are mapped to its own image-space.

NB: at present, jointo is ignored when reconstructing windowed readouts. This may change.


This states the nominal maximum bias level of the detector ADU at each of two speeds. This is the highest bias value that is expected. The bias level for the slower speed is first.


1 maxbias 5000 6000
sets the maximum bias value to 5000 for fast speed and 6000 for slow speed.

Setting the bias level for channel zero sets the same bias level for all channels. If no maxbias statement is present, the max bias level defaults to 65535.


This states the maximum binning permitted on the camera on either axis. The third and fourth words indicate the maximum allowed binning in x and y respectively. The parameters should be set to an integer value between 1 and 10.


# Allow binning in y (vertical axis only) up to binning factor 8, but disallow binning in x (horizontal axis)
0 maxbinning 1 8
# Disallow binning on both axes:
0 maxbinning 1 1
If no maxbinning statement is present, or the keyword statement is incorrectly formatted, the camera defaults to allow binning from 1 to 10 in both axes.

The maxbinning statement should normally be in the camera configuration.



This defines the period of time in seconds between cryostat telemetry (such as temperature) monitoring events.


0 monperiod 30
This sets the monitoring period to 30 seconds. If no monperiod statement is present, cryostat monitoring events occur at 60 second intervals.


This indicates whether a camera performs non-destructive readout. It must be set to "yes" for IR HAWAII devices, such as INGRID, and to "no" for all CCDs.


0 ndr yes
If no ndr statement is present, the camera is assumed not to do non-destructive readout.


This names the disc partitions in which UltraDAS may store raw observations. The third and subsequent words of the statement each name one partition and  up to 10 partitions may be named. The name of each partition is the path-name as seen by the DAS computer. (If the discs are mounted by the DAS computer from a disc server, then the DAS and the server may be using different names; often the server prepends /export to the name and the DAS does not). The partition names in the configuration file must not include the directory named for the date of observation: UltraDAS supplies this part of the directory name itself.


0 obsdata /obsdata/intf /obsdata/intg
Obsdata statements should normally be in the host configuration, where they are applied to all instruments and cameras. This means that the software will automatically swap discs if restarted on a different computer. It is possible to over-ride the set of discs for a particular instrument or camera by putting obsdata into one of the other configurations. If you do this, be aware that the system will not then adapt automatically to a change of DAS computer.


This names the FITS-header packets to be collected for each observation. The third word of the statement specifies the name of the instrument for which the header packets are to be collected. The fourth and subsequent words of the statement each specify one packet and up to eight packets may be named in the statement. Each packet is specified by one "word" broken into three fields by colons (the word may not include white space). The first field is the name of the packet. The second word is the name of the task that produces the packet, or is the pseudo-name "given", or "keep" (given and keep must be in lower case). These pseudo names indicate that the packet is provided without requiring any task to provide the packet, and "keep" has the additional meaning of keeping the header packet file after collection. The third word is the directory in which the header-packet file is written. The task-name is the formal (DRAMA) name of the task which the HCT will ask to produce the header packet. The pseudo-name given tells the HCT that it does not have to ask for that packet. (E.g. the packet named "observation" is produced gratuitously by the client that sequences an observation.)


0 packets WFC observation:given:/int/var tcs:TCS:/int/tcs exposure:MCA:/int/var wfc:MCA:/int/var
The packets statement makes most sense when put in an instrument configuration. In this case, UltraDAS associates each packets statement with the instrument in question. If a packets statement is put in a camera profile, then the camera in question tries to collect the same set of the packets for each instrument because the packets statements in the instrument profiles are occluded.


This states the linear width and height of pixels in metres. Pixels are assumed to have the same width and height and all pixels on a given channel are the same size.


0 pixsize 13e-6
sets the pixel size to 13 microns.

Setting the pixel size for channel zero sets the same size for all channels. At present, UltraDAS requires all channels to have the same size of pixel, so only the channel-0 form shown above should be used.


This states the number of pixels to be skipped at the start of each readout. The camera hardware is pipelined and sometimes produces spurious pixels before the first real pixel emerges; pixelskip allows these spurions to be discarded.
Two different numbers of skips are given, the first for slow readout and the second for fast readout.

If there are ns skips and nr real pixels, the DAS expects to receive ns + nr pixels in total from the camera.


0 pixelskip 2 1
says to skip two pixels in slow readout and one in fast readout.

If pixelskip is not present, the default is to skip no pixels for either readout speed.


This determines the length of the default preflash: the third word of the statement is the time in seconds for which the preflash lamps are lit.


0 preflash 1.5
Preflash is considered for every integration done with UltraDAS. The configured preflash is used as the default if no preflash duration is given in the PREFLASH action. A preflash length of less than one millisecond turns off preflash and the lamps do not light. The default for the default, if no preflash statement is present, is 0.0 seconds and so the preflash is turned off by default.


This sets the name of the run number file and the run number lock file.


0 rnfile  /wht/var/last_run_v2.dat /wht/var/run_number_lock.txt
sets the run number file to "/wht/var/last_run_v2.dat" and the run number lock file to "/wht/var/run_number_lock.txt".


This states the readout noise in ADU for one channel, at each of two speeds. The noise for the slower speed is given first.


1 ronoise 2.0  3.4
states that the noise is 2.0 ADU/pixel for slow speed and 3.4 ADU/pixel for fast speed. There must be one ronoise statement per channel. If no ronoise statement is given for a channel, then the noise is recorded as zero.


This states the inverse gain in photelectrons/ADU for one channel, at each of two speeds. The gain for the slower speed is given first.


1 rogain   1.3  2.5
states that the gain is 1.3 e-/ADU for slow speed and 2.5 e-/ADU for fast speed. There must be one rogain statement per channel. If no rogain statement is given for a channel, then the gain is recorded as zero.


This describes the readout co-ordinate-space for one channel in terms of the mapping from r-space to detector space.  See below for a discussion of the syntax.


2 rspace -1 0 1 1 2148 0
There should be one rspace statement per readout channel.  If a channel has no rspace statement, then its readout space is taken to have the same origin, scale and alignment as detector space.


This states the startup readout speed of the camera. The third word indicates the startup readout speed. It should be set to If the word is not set to one of the values above then a slow readout speed is used.


# Set slow readout speed:
0 rspeed slow
# Set fast readout speed:
0 rspeed fast
If no rspeed statement is present, the camera defaults to fast readout speed.

The rspeed statement should normally be in the camera configuration.


This states the nominal saturation of the detector ADU at each of two speeds. This is the highest value that is unsaturated. The saturation level for the slower speed is first.


1 saturation 65000 60000
sets the saturation value to 65000 for fast speed and 60000 for slow speed.

Setting the saturation level for channel zero sets the same saturation for all channels. If no saturation statement is present, the saturation level defaults to 65535.


This states how the shutter is controlled. The third word indicates the type of control. It should be set to If the word is not set to one of the value abovem then external control is assumed, and the word is taken to be the name of a DRAMA task that controls the shutter; the system may or may not use this information.


# Normal CCD shutter:
0 shutter internal
# INGRID has no shutter yet:
0 shutter none
# INT WFC has a funny shutter controlled by the ICS:
0 shutter MCA@intics
If no shutter statement is present, the camera defaults to internal control.

The shutter statement should normally be in the instrument configuration, not the camera configuration.


This sets the required temperature of the cryostat. The third word of the command is a temperature in kelvin. The system will attempt to change the cryostat temperature to this value using the cryostat's heating circuit. The temperature set-point determines when alarms are generated about incorrect temperature. If the cryostat temperature control is done externally, then the keyword "external" should be used instead of the temperature.


0 temperature 150.0
for external cryostat temperature control:
0 temperature external
Each camera needs exactly one temperature statement.  If there is no temperature statement at all, then the temperature will be set to some default number chosen by the firmware in the detector controller. This might be acceptable, but it's possible that the optimal temperature has changed since the firmware was written.


This defines the areas of the readout section that produces useful data; normally, it describes where the light-sensitive pixels are. The argument of trimsec is an image section in readout coordinates.


1 trimsec [51:1074,1:1024]
describes the lit area of a Tektronix CCD that has 1024x1024 physical pixels, 50 pixels each of overscan and underscan in x and 100 pixels of overscan in y.

If no trimsec statement is present for  a channel of a camera, then the system assumes equates the trim section with the whole readout-section.

Co-ordinate spaces and mappings between them

Four co-ordinate spaces are described in the camera configuration: There is only one d-space, but each channel has its own r-space, a-space and i-space.

INS-DAS-19 [1] describes these concepts in more detail.

In the camera configuration, spaces are each described in terms of the mapping needed to go from that space to d-space. This is the syntax:

c k f t s1 s2 m1 m2
where: The operations are applied in the order given when mapping from a space to d-space; when mapping from d-space to the other space, the order is reversed.

For example:

2 rspace -1 90 1 1 2100 0
2 ispace +1  0 1 1    0 0
says that to get from r-space to d-space for channel 2, the system reverses the x-axis, rotates the raster 90 degrees anti-clockwise, doesn't change the scaling, and offsets the result 2100 pixels in the positive-x direction. The second line says that the channel should be output in d-space: i.e. that there is no change in mapping from i-space to d-space or vice versa.

Suggestions for setting up the files

This section contains checklists of recommended practices for writing and installing the files.

Host configuration file

Do: Don't:

Instrument configuration file

Do: Don't:

Camera configuration file

Do: Don't:

Hints for working out geometry statements

INS-DAS-19 has a list of worked examples, covering most types of detector used at ING.  These define d-space for various types of camera.

For a single-channel camera, it's best to make r-space the same as d-space. That is, define d-space such that a full-frame readout, un-mapped, has its first pixel at (1,1) in d-space.  The statement

1 rspace +1 0 1 1 0 0
does this. For a multi-channel camera, it's best to orient d-space to match the r-space of channel 1 and to adjust the rspace statements of all other channels accordingly.

For any given channel, r-space and a-space must have the same orientation. The two spaces can only differ by a displacement, and that displacement will be due to the presence of underscan pixels.

If r-space and d-space are the same, a-space will typically be offset from d-space by the width of an underscan strip. In the case, the offsets in the  a-space statement will be positive, since the origin of a-space is nearer any given pixel of the amplifier section than the origin of d-space.

Remember that aspace, rspace and ispace describe a mapping from a space to d-space. To map from r-space to i-space, the system applies the rspace mapping forwards and the ispace mapping in reverse.

If you have a detector chip with output amplifiers on opposite sides, you can pretty much guarantee that some of the amplifiers will have a flip in their r-space definitions.

Often, one wants i-space for a channel to be the same as r-space.  That is, the pixels from the channel should be left in the order in which they were read out. To achieve this, the ispace statement has to reverse the effect of rspace: i.e. mapping from r-space to d-space to i-space takes you back to r-space. Here is an example:

1 rspace +1 0 1 1 0 0
1 ispace +1 0 1 1 0 0
in which neither mapping changes anything - both spaces are the same as d-space.  This is typically what you want for a single-channel camera. Here is a second example with non-trivial mappings:
2 rspace -1  90 1 1  4200  2148
2 ispace -1 -90 1 1 -4200 -2148
Note that the i-space mapping is exactly the reverse of the r-space mapping. You can picture the logical process.  The image is first reversed in x; then it is rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise; then it moves by +4200 in x and +2148 in y: it is now in d-space. The second mapping is applied in reverse as we are going from d-space to i-space: the image is moved by -4200 in x and -4148 in y; it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise; and it is reversed again in x. We are now in i-space, but the raster is the same one that we had in r-space, which is what was wanted.

UltraDAS doesn't actually map rasters from r-space to d-space and then map again to i-space: that would be inefficient, particularly when i-space and r-sapce are equivalent. UltraDAS computers a single, compound mapping using the algorithm in INS-DAS-19 [1], and applies that. The software is intelligent enough to trap the cases where the mapping moves every pixel to the same position in the raster, and in that case it doesn't waste time shuffling the data.

In aspace, rspace and ispace statements, never set the scale factors to anything other than unity.

When setting up r-space and i-space, the flips and twists are easy to work out, but the moves are difficult.  It may help to realize that the displacement is the position of the origin of the given space measured in the co-ordinates of d-space.

There is a holy war in progress over the question of whether images should be mapped to different orientations and whether channels should be joined together before output. The emerging consensus seems to be:

Whatever values you set, test them.  The best test is to run the camera in simulation with no windowing or binning. That way, you know what the image should look like before you transform it.

Worked example of geometry derivation: INGRID

As a further guide to the mental contortion needed to derive and set the geometry statements, here is the full working for the setting up of a four-quadrant detector somewhat like INGRID. In fact, the real INGRID turned to be simpler, needing no reflections or rotations, but this example is still informative.

qINGRID is read out in four quadrants, each quadrant producing a square raster 512 pixels on a side. This immediately sets the ampsize values:

1 ampsize 512 512
2 ampsize 512 512
3 ampsize 512 512
4 ampsize 512 512
D-space is abitrarily defined to be aligned with r-space of quadrant 1, so there is a unit mapping for r-space-1 to d-space:
1 rspace 0 0 1 1 0 0
The output from qINGRID is required to be one raster, which (in the absence of other instructions) may as well be output in d-space. To do this, the i-space of quadrant 1 is made identical to d-space and all quadrants are merged in that space:
1 ispace 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 jointo 1
2 jointo 1
3 jointo 1
4 jointo 1
The jointo line for quadrant 1 is there for completeness and clarity: this setting would be implicit if the line was left out. Since the quadrants are being mereged in i-space-1, the i-spaces for quadrants 2, 3 and 4 are meaningless and are not defined.

The chip is symmetrical about its centrelines in both x and y, so the r-spaces for quadrants 2, 3 and 4 have a non-trivial mapping to d-space.

Quadrant 2 is a mirror-image of quadrant 1 across the vertical centreline in d-space. This quadrant is flipped when mapping to d-space. The origin of r-space-2 is 1025 pixels away in x from the origin of d-space: i.e. the width of the chip, plus one pixel more because the first pixel in each quadrant is (1,1), not (0,0). No rotation is necessary for this quadrant. This gives:

2 rspace 1 0 1 1 1025 0
Quadrant 3 is reflected with respect to quadrant 1 in both x and y, which is equivalent to a rotation of 180 degrees and no flip. The displacement is the width/height of the chip plus one pixel on each axis, giving:
3 rspace 0 180 1 1 1025 1025
Quadrant 4 is a reflection of quadrant 1 about the horizontal centerline: this is equivalent to a flip in x followed by a rotation of 180 degrees. The displacement here is all in the y direction, giving:
4 rspace 1 180 1 1 0 1025
Finally, qINGRID has no underscan regions (because it is an IR detector, not a CCD), so a-space is equivalent to r-space for each quadrant:
1 aspace 0   0 1 1    0    0
2 aspace 1   0 1 1 1025    0
3 aspace 0 180 1 1 1025 1025
4 aspace 1 180 1 1    0 1025