Return to home page4. Software packages

This page is part of the ING manual INS-DAS-23 Architecture for UltraDAS.

Packages that are part of UltraDAS

These packages have been produced as part of the UltraDAS project. The packages are variously defined by a bill of materials (a .bom file) as a module in CVS, or as an ad hoc collection of files.
controller software
is a collection of downloadable programmes (".lod files") for the SDSU detector-controllers. These files currently have no version-control; control via CVS is pending.
configuration files
is a set of text files that configure the camera servers and HCT for particular cameras and instruments; see INS-DAS-25. These files are deliberately kept free of version control as they are designed to be edited between system releases.
contains the device driver for the S-bus version of the camera-interface board. (CVS)
contains the device driver for the PCI version of the camera-interface board. (CVS)
contains the camera-server programme. (BOM)
contains the transient-client programmes that are specific to UltraDAS. (BOM)
contains the HCT programme for use on Unix. (BOM)
contains GUIs specific to UltraDAS. (BOM)

Packages that UltraDAS needs

These are packages that UltraDAS relies on that were not made as part of the UltraDAS project.
contains the support library for the transient clients (BOM)
contains the polymorph programme. (BOM)
contains the talker programme. (BOM)

Packages that need UltraDAS

These are packages that rely on the services provided by UltraDAS.
observing log
depends on the format of UltraDAS' FITS files. (No version control apparent; software is entirely outside the observing system.)
contains numerous start-up scripts that call UltraDAS user-commands. (BOM)
    contains a quasi-real-time image display for use with INGRID; it depends on the details of UltraDAS' FITS-files. (CVS)
contains a GUI that operates UltraDAS clients. (BOM)