Package org.jfree.chart.plot

Plot classes and related interfaces.


Interface Summary
CategoryPlotConstants Useful constants for the CategoryPlot class.
ContourValuePlot An interface defining methods related to contour plots.
HorizontalValuePlot An interface defining methods for interrogating a plot that displays values along the horizontal axis.
VerticalValuePlot An interface defining methods for interrogating a plot that displays values along the vertical axis.

Class Summary
CategoryPlot A general plotting class that uses data from a CategoryDataset and renders each data item using a CategoryItemRenderer.
CombinedXYPlot An extension of XYPlot that can contain multiple subplots, laid out horizontally or vertically.
CompassPlot A specialised plot that draws a compass to indicate a direction based on the value from a ValueDataset.
ContourPlot A class for creating shaded contours.
ContourPlotUtilities Some utility methods for the ContourPlot class.
FastScatterPlot A fast scatter plot.
HorizontalCategoryPlot A general plotting class that uses data from a CategoryDataset and renders each data item using a CategoryItemRenderer.
JThermometer An initial quick and dirty.
MeterPlot A plot that displays a single value in the context of several ranges ('normal', 'warning' and 'critical').
OverlaidVerticalCategoryPlot An extension of VerticalCategoryPlot that allows multiple plots to be overlaid in one space, using common axes.
OverlaidXYPlot An extension of XYPlot that allows multiple XYPlots to be overlaid in one space, using common axes.
PeriodMarkerPlot A plot that marks time periods, for use in overlaid plots.
Pie3DPlot A plot that displays data in the form of a 3D pie chart, using data from any class that implements the CategoryDataset interface.
PiePlot A plot that displays data in the form of a pie chart, using data from any class that implements the PieDataset interface.
Plot The base class for all plots in JFreeChart.
ThermometerPlot A plot that displays a single value in a thermometer type display.
VerticalCategoryPlot A general plotting class that uses data from a CategoryDataset and renders each data item using a CategoryItemRenderer.
XYPlot A general class for plotting data in the form of (x, y) pairs.

Exception Summary
PlotException A general purpose exception class for plots.
PlotNotCompatibleException An exception that is generated when assigning a plot to a chart *if* the plot is not compatible with the chart's current data source.

Package org.jfree.chart.plot Description

Plot classes and related interfaces.