starlink installation

Location: starlink is currently installed under /star.
  1. order CDROM release (Solaris update) from Starlink
  2. ask CFG for a directory to install the new release
  3. ask CFG to link /star to that new directory on the computer the installation is done from (lpss33)
  4. log on to the starlink account
  5. cd ~/STAR
  6. follow the instructions in ~/STAR/README (but also check the starlink installation manual for any changes in their installation procedure and update the scripts accordingly):
    For installing a new starlink version, put the CD into the computer and
    run the scripts in the following order:
    1) set up the necessary environment variables
    source prepare.csh
    2) install everything ...
    source doupdate.csh
    3) add the local changes
    source addlocal.csh
    Note: installation will need about 1.5GB of disk space. Installation will take a few hours to complete - best done overnight.
  7. test
  8. notify CFG that new release is ready and that the /star links can now be changed on all the ING computers as well as the distribution replicated (currently 4 copies: JKT,INT,WHT,SLO).