cfitsio installation

Location: cfitsio is currently installed under /opt/astro.
set package = "cfitsio-2.0.37"
set location = "/opt/astro/packages"
./configure --prefix=$location/$package
make testprog
testprog > testprog.lis
diff testprog.lis testprog.out
cmp testprog.std
f77 -o testf77 testf77.f -L. -lcfitsio -lnsl -lsocket
mkdir -m 755 -p $location/$package/lib
mkdir -m 755 -p $location/$package/include
mkdir -m 755 -p $location/$package/doc
cp libcfitsio.a $location/$package/lib
cp *.h $location/$package/include
cp *.doc *.ps cookbook.c $location/$package/doc
Don't forget to change the link to the documentation and to copy (or fetch a new version of) the html documentation of the library.