Robert Greimel (greimel@ing.iac.es)

1. Introduction

These installation instructions are based on the original document written by Carlos del Burgo, IAC. It explains how to install the IRAF package integral to reduce data obtained using the INTEGRAL fiber optics spectrograph at the WHT. It is assumed that IRAF is installed on the computer you want to install the integral package on and that the reader has some familiarity with using IRAF.

2. Installing the integral package

There are two ways to install the package, (2.1) for general use or (2.2) for personal use only.

2.1 Installing for general use

  1. Unpack the distribution file in /iraf/extern
    cd /iraf/extern
    Using GNU tar:
    tar -zxf /path/integral.tar.gz
    Using tar:
    gzip -cd /path/integral.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  2. add the following definition to your /iraf/iraf/unix/hlib/extern.pkg file:
    reset   integral        = /iraf/extern/integral/
    task    integral       = integral$integral.cl
    (The trailing / in the integral definition is important !). To reach the man pages add the following definition to helpdb at the end of the file:

2.2 Installing for personal use

  1. Unpack the distribution file in any directory of your choice
    cd /any/directory
    Using GNU tar:
    tar -zxf /path/integral.tar.gz
    Using tar:
    gzip -cd /path/integral.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  2. add the following definition to your loginuser.cl file:
    reset   integral        = /any/directory/integral/
    task    integral       = integral$integral.cl
    reset helpdb = (envget("helpdb")//",integral$helpdb.mip") (The trailing / in the integral definition is important !).

2.3 Compiling

The binaries for Sun are distributed with the tar file. Compilation is unfortunately not yet nicely implemented. First of all, you will need the PDA library, which comes with Starlink. Then you will have to:

3. Something