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Appendix A.    Data Reduction with IRCAM_CLRED


These notes are taken from UKIRT's IRCAM3 manual by Colin Aspin, and modified for WHIRCAM. A UNIX version of IRCAM_CLRED has also been recently written, called IRCAMDR.

Either log onto any of the Vaxstation terminals (LPVS3 or LPVS5) as user OBSERVER (get current password from SA or TO), or open another DECterm window on the WHIRCAM terminal, then type (where YYYYMMDD is the current year, month and date, eg 19960229):


You will be asked to supply the same ID as you entered under IRCAM_DEV, a workstation number (always choose 18), the data format (`NEW' for WHIRCAM data), the UT date relevant for the frames taken (eg 960229), a filename suffix (choose `none') and the plate scale (0.24 ''/pix for WHIRCAM direct).

The IRCAM Command Line REDuction system will now run up and present you with the IRCAM logo (on the graphics window) and the prompt:

Ircam-Clred >

You can, if you like, reduce the size of the DECterm windows to see the whole of the GKS graphics window by clicking on `Options' and selecting `Window' and clicking on `Condensed Font' then `Apply' and finally `OK'.

Once in IRCAM_CLRED, the system is setup to access the reduced observation files (prefixed by RO) in the current directory by their observation number alone.

Other useful IRCAM_CLRED commands include:
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Shaun Hughes
Wed Mar 13 15:05:57 GMT 1996