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Instrument control computer

To start up the instrument control computer log on to the instrument control VAXstation (LPVS2 as of 1994) as either OBSERVER or OBSTEST (passwords WHT_OBSERVER and WHT_OBSTEST respectively), depending on whether you're running the standard or the test system; check the the whiteboard in the WHT control room to see which account you should run up. Then set host to LPVF and login again with the same username and password. You are now logged into the instrument control computer.

To start the observing system simply type ICL. You will be prompted for your initials and PATT/CAT reference number, and then asked to select from a menu the instrument combination you want to use. This will be either UES+CCD or UES+IPCS depending on which detector is mounted.

If using a CCD, the correct detector must have been defined in [OBSERVER.CONFIG]WHT_DETECTORS.DAT (or [OBSTEST.CONFIG]WHT_DETECTORS.DAT if logged on under OBSTEST). The correct values will have been entered by the Duty Technician or Support Astronomer for you.

Mon Mar 14 16:50:31 GMT 1994