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Instrument Calibration Data

Decisions which have to be made before beginning an observing run with the IPCS include:--

At the beginning of the setup, and when moving to a new target whose brightness is unknown, it is advisable to run the IPCS in full frame readout mode. To do this type OVERSCAN, but note that unlike IPCS-I on the INT, there is no way of observing the whole of the output of the image intensifier tube; the ``overscan'' mode on IPCS-II simply offers a readout of the whole of the CCD. To resume observing after running in full frame readout mode it will be necessary to repeat the setup of the detector format with IPCSFORMAT.

Procedures for configuring the spectrograph for the beginning of observing are described in Part iv. The centre of the slit on the detector can be defined by observing the tungsten lamp through a narrow Dekker and appropriate neutral density filters. The IPCS data window format can be set with the interactive ICL procedure IPCSFORMAT, and adjusted until the narrow dekker spectrum falls in the centre of the data window. Note that there are some restrictions upon the parameters supplied to IPCSFORMAT, these are detailed in the description of the procedure given in Part v of this manual, and explained in detail in Chapter 4 of the IPCS-II User's Manual.

The IPCS-II dark count is negligible in use on ISIS, and any attempt to measure it will result instead in a measure of the light leaking into the detector. Three types of calibration exposure are useful when observing with the IPCS:-

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Fri Jan 7 15:34:48 GMT 1994