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Produce a formatted list of selections: LIST (L)

This command allows the user to list the catalogue items of a query table in a specified combination, order and format.

LIST[/qualifiers] [list string]

with the syntax of the list string:

[constant,]keyword[/key-qualifiers][,[constant,]keyword [/key-qualifiers][,..]]

A keyword indicates a catalogue item to be listed; all items on which the SELECT command (section ) can act can be listed (except LINE). Generic position keywords, such as POS, GAPOS, etc. , are allowed in the list string. Constants may be used to make a list more readable, for example:

LIST "RA=",RA,"DEC=",DEC, etc. .

If the specified list contains more than 1000 records, ARCQUERY will prompt for confirmation. A (long) list can be interrupted with CTRL/C; the display on the VDU can be suppressed with CTRL/L, but if, for instance, the /FILE qualifier is used, the list file will be completed.

Some specific qualifiers for the LIST command are:

Table specifies the default representation of the various items in the Observations Catalogue. However, the user may control the list format of every individual item by using key-qualifiers with the keywords in the list string:

The key qualifiers /COORD=, /EQUIN=, and /FORMAT have the same effect as if used as command qualifiers (see table ).

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Fri Aug 12 10:24:53 BST 1994