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WHT Requirements.

The Utrecht-Echelle Spectrograph, UES and the Intermediate Dispersion Grating Spectrograph, ISIS (red & blue) arms can be served by a sensor of size ; with pixels. A larger sensor could capture some of the UES vignetted field, but would not help much on ISIS. A smaller one () would in fact be sufficient for ISIS but the desired pixel size remains the same.

The Wide Field Fibre Spectrograph WYFFOS, currently undergoing tests at RGO, has been designed to accommodate a fixed-size embedded CCD. Originally planned for a thin EEV 05-30 (), we now plan to incorporate a TK1024 device () as the former EEV devices are not yet available (Fri Sep 9 14:56:09 BST 1994 ). pixels are ideal for the standard Autofib-Prime Focus feed (Autofib is the automated fibre positioner being built by the University of Durham); smaller () pixels would be required for a (future) f/11 feed for this instrument.

The Prime Focus, PF, instrument has been designed to feed a 60 mm field-of-view ( FOV), although the telescope can provide 140 mm. The PF therefore requires a detector, with pixels.

The Low-Dispersion Survey Spectrograph, LDSS, and the imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrograph, TAURUS both have a FOV of about 30mm. These instruments ought to be served by the existing Tek heads, or any new PF device. It is not considered essential to offer a purpose-built CCD camera head for these instruments.

The Faint Object Spectrograph, FOS2, was originally designed for a TK512 CCD, but has an un-thinned GEC device installed. This instrument requires a sensor with pixels and an area of about .
Fri Sep 9 14:55:39 BST 1994