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Heidy Moreno Arce







LIRIS COMMANDS - user guide


NOTA:   17/09/04   Added new command for polarimetry

               15/12/04  Added new command llamp

               24/02/05  Changed limage syntax

               07/05/05 Adapt to new observation scripts syntaxes




Mechanism Commands


lsethome    <mech_name> | "all"             

Sets HOME some or all mechanisms

When ALL is selected the camera wheel is not moved!


lslit            <name> | <wheel_pos> | sethome 

Moves the slit wheel to the supplied name/position parameter.


lfwheel1    <name> | <wheel_pos> | sethome 

Moves the  filter wheel 1 to the supplied name/position parameter.


lfwheel2    <name> | <wheel_pos> | sethome 

Moves the filter wheel 2 to the supplied name/position parameter.


lpupil        <name> | <wheel_pos> | sethome  

Moves the pupil wheel to the supplied name/position parameter.


lgrism       <name> | <wheel_pos> | sethome  

Moves the  grism wheel to the supplied name/position parameter.


lcamera     <name> | <wheel_pos> | sethome

Moves the  CAMERA wheel to the supplied name/position parameter.



Reports the status of the EPICS Controller and LIRIS Mechanisms.



Reports the names and positions of each of the elements loaded in the LIRIS wheels.



Moves mechanisms to shutdown locations, (same as lblanks)


limage         | <filter_setup> | | <slit_name> |

Setups LIRIS mechanisms wheels for imaging depending on the supplied parameter.

If “slit_name” is not supplied, the slit wheel will be placed in the “CLEAR” position.

Typing ´limage´ with no parameters will display a list of the available setups.

(Wheel movements are done simultaneously)


limage_seq  | <filter_setup> | | <slit_name> |

Same as ´limage´, but wheel movements are done sequentially.


lspec    | <grism_setup> |  | <slit_name> |

Setups LIRIS Mechanisms wheels for spectroscopy depending on supplied parameters.  Wheel movements are done in parallel.

Typing ´lspec´ with no parameters will display a list of available setups.


lspec_­seq    | <grism_setup> |  | <slit_name> |

Same as ´lspec´, but wheel movement is done sequentially.



Move mechanisms to default blank positions.

Wheel movements are done in parallel!



Same as ´lblank´, but wheel movements are done sequentially.


lcor   | <coor_setup> | 

Setups LIRIS mechanisms wheels for coronography depending on the supplied parameter.

Typing ´lcor´ with no parameters will display a list of the available setups.


lcor_seq      | <coor_setup> | 

Same as ´lcor´, but wheel movements are done sequentially.


lipol         | <filter_setup> |

Setups LIRIS mechanisms wheels for polarimetry depending on the supplied parameter.

Typing ´lipol´ with no parameters will display a list of the available setups.

(Wheel movements are done simultaneously)


lloadconfig     <mech_name> |   ´all´ 

Loads into the EPICS Data Base the  “name - distance” configuration file for the supplied wheel  corresponding to the current HOME micro-switch. Engineering use !.


lbuild_mch_hometables    <config_file>  <distance_file>

Builds new HOME1 and HOME2  tables based on supplied wheel `s distance and configuration files. NOTE: This command does not perform any load into the EPICS Data Base. To actually load the files use “lloadconfig” after this command. Engineering use !.



Initializes LIRIS Mechanisms. (i.e. Starts EPICS communications and sets mechanisms HOME if needed)  Engineering use !.





Mechanisms Monitoring GUI


The LIRIS Mechanisms Monitoring GUI can be started using the command:



It should be noted , that this command expects the EPICS environment to be correctly set .


This GUI provides wheels status information. For each wheel, it shows it’s current status (INITIALIZED, MOVING or current_wheel_position_name).  Each wheel status changes as mechanisms commands actions are carried out.  There is a  “STOP” button for each wheel.


The image “file:///H:/hmoreno/DOC/lirismchsinf.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Figure4: Mechanisms Monitor Window




Thermal Commands



Reports the status of the Lakeshore 340, Pfeiffer Controllers and their sensors.



Reports the status of the pressure sensors inside the cryostat.



Reports the status of the ´setpoint´ temperature and temperature sensors inside the cryostat.


ltempsetp   | <setpoint> | 

Establishes the detector ´s  setpoint temperature to the supplied parameter value by starting the automatic temperature control loop.

Typing ´ltempsetp´ with no parameters, will

establish the ´setpoint´ temperature to the coldfinger_temperature + 0.1



Turns off the automatic temperature control loop.



Configures the Lakeshore 340 temperature controller for LIRIS use. Engineering use !.



Initializes the Lakeshore 340. (Configures and reports status). Engineering use !.



Initializes the Pfeiffer Controller. Engineering use !.





Thermal Monitoring GUI


The following commands are available:



Starts the Temperature/Pressure Monitoring GUI (“tempgui” program).

 NOTE: The “starttempgui” command kills any previous instance of the  “tempgui” program.



Shuts down the temperature/Pressure Monitoring GUI.



Displays Temperature/Pressure Monitor help information.




The image “file:///H:/hmoreno/DOC/liristherm.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Figure5: Thermal Monitor Window


This GUI shows the current thermal status of LIRIS (temperature and pressure). Data is automatically refreshed every 10 minutes. The “Refresh” button can be used at any time to obtain new data readings.


From top to bottom:










“Temperature Sensor in Error”

“Heater range in Error”

“ColFinger Temperature above limit”

“Pressure Sensor in Error”

“High Vacuum Level OUT of LIMITS”

“Low Vacuum Level OUT of LIMITS”

“DANGER – Pressure out of limits”






  Lamps Commands



Reports the status of the LIRIS Calibration LAMPS.


llamp   ´Ar  | Xe ´  ´ON | OFF´

Turns ON or OFF the requested Argon or Xenon lamp.


llampon    <lamp_num>  

Turns on the lamp associated to the supplied parameter. Same as  “llamp”, but by numbers (Ar =1, Xe = 2)


llampoff    <lamp_num>  | ´ALL´

Turns off the lamp associated to the supplied parameter or all.



Configures the LAMPS Control Unit for LIRIS use. Engineering use!.



Starts up the Lamp Control Unit  (Configures and reports status). Engineering use!.



Shuts down the LIRS Control Unit. (It turns off all lamps).  Engineering use!.




Lamps Monitoring GUI


The following commands are available:



Starts the Lamps Monitoring GUI (“lampsgui” program).

 NOTE: The “startlampsgui” command kills any previous instance of the  “lampsgui” program.



Shuts down the Lamps Monitoring GUI.



Displays Lamps Monitor help information.





Figure6: Lamps Monitor Window



This GUI shows the current status (ON/OFF) of the LIRIS Calibration Lamps.  Each Lamp status changes as commands actions are carried out on the command line.  The “Quit” button closes the GUI. The LAMPS GUI  status can be “Initializing”, “Getting Lamps Information…”,  “Creating header File”  or  “Idle”.  It also shows  warning messages as result of retrieving data. The warning messages are also logged into the Talker.  These can be:


“Failed communicating with Lamp Controller”

“Incomplete data obtained”

“Couldn’t create HDR file”



LIRIS Real Time Display  (UDASRTD) 


The following commands are available:



Start the UDASRTD system

 NOTE: The “startudas” command kills any previous instance of the  “udasrtd” program and Ximtool/Ds9 programs.



Shuts down the UDASRTD system



Display UDASRTD help information.




Figure 7: Real Time Display Control Window


On the RTD from top to bottom and from left to right:







Waiting for FITS to arrive


If the automatic  “File Detection” is selected to be ON


If the automatic “File Detection” is selected to be OFF

AUTO scaling ON

If  “Scale Auto”  is selected to be ON

Overplot slit

If interactive “Over Plot” option is selected

Interactive Star Profile

If interactive Star Profile option is selected

Interactive Local Statistic

If interactive “Local Statistic” option is selected



Median, Non Linear percentage, Minimum, Maximum, Sigma-left and Sigma-right























Observation Scripts Commands



[ag_]mdither    <ndither>  <exp_time>   [title]  [-ncyc=int]  [-nruns=int]  [-xoffset=int]  [-yoffset=int]  [-jitter=float]  [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

ncyc=1,  nruns=1,  xoffset=12 arcsec,  yoffset = 12 arcsec,  jitter= 0.0,

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Repeats a dither pattern “ncyc” times using a jitter box to randomly generate new TCS offsets. Scripts prefixed 'ag_' perform telescope guiding at each dither point.  The <ndither> cmd-argument indicates the number of data acquisitions that occur during telescope movement. 

The [-nruns=int]  command-option indicates if a multrun or a single run command is going to be used for the data acquisition at each dither point.  If the [-jitter=float]  command-option is given, the different ditter points will be randomly generated to lie in a box of  “jitter” size.

The basic telescope move patterns are 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 point patterns. Scripts always start and end with the telescope at the same point in space, at the centre of the pattern.

For <ndither> = 3, 5 and 9 the data acquisition positions are as follows:



                       3                                      5                                9

                 POINTS                         POINTS                 POINTS


                             3                         3         4                    4    5    6

                        1                                    1                         3    1    7

                  2                                    2         5                    2    9    8



For <ndither> = 2, 4, and 8 the acquisition at the central position is dropped. Thus:


                       2                                     4                              8

                 POINTS                         POINTS                 POINTS


                            2                           2          3                  3     4     5

                       o                                     o                         2     o     6

                 1                                      1          4                  1     8     7




[ag_]mdither_ext   <ndither>  <exp_time>  <sky_offset>  <pa_offset>   [title]  [-ncyc=int]  [-nruns=int]  [-xoffset=int]  [-yoffset=int]  [-jitter=float] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

ncyc=1, nruns=1, xoffset=12 arcsec, yoffset = 12 arcsec, jitter= 0.0,

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Alternatively switches between the object and the sky positions taking at both points a “mdither” or “ag_mdither” pattern.  The starting sky position is given by the “pa_offset”  angle and the “sky_offset” distance parameters.



mfiltphot   <filter_conf1> <exp_time_1>  [ filter_conf1]  [exp_time_2] …. [ filter_confN] [exp_time_N]  [title] [-nruns=int]  [-xoffset=int]  [-yoffset=int]


Default values for command-options:

nruns = 1,  xoffset = 12 arcsec,  yoffset  = 12 arcsec


Takes a 4 dither pattern for each given filter configuration. Different exposure times may be used for each filter configuration.



mosaic  <exp_time> <nptx> <npty>  [title]  [-ncyc=int]  [-nruns=int]  [-step= int]  [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

ncyc=1, nruns = 1, step = 180 arcsec

Use  –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a (nptx, npty) mosaic pattern using LIRIS to take exposures of type “run” or “multrun” at each point depending on the value of  the [-nruns=int] command-option.  The pattern is repeated “ncyc” times.  The [-step= int] command-option indicates the separation between consecutive points. 


For nptx = 5, npty = 4, the acquisition pattern is as follows:















mdithermosaic  <ndither>  <dit_cycle>  <exp_time> <nptx>  <npty>  [title] [-nruns=int] [-step= int] [xoffset=int] [-yoffset=int] [-jitter=float]  [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

nruns = 1, step = 180 arcsec,  xoffset = 12 arcsec,  yoffset  = 12 arcsec and jitter = 0.0

Use  –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a (nptx, npty) mosaic pattern taking a mdither of <ndither> points pattern at each mosaic point, (same as mosaic pattern, but takes a dither at each point ).


Spectroscopy Scripts


spec_nod   <exp_time>  [title]  [-ncyc=int]  [-nruns=int] [-offset=int] [-jitter=float] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

ncyc=1, nruns=1, offset=12 arcsec,  jitter= 0.0,

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a pattern such that the telescope nods the object between two positions (A,B) along the slit.  Positions are separated  “offset” arc seconds.  Assuming the object is centred on the first position A = (0,0) , the first exposure will be just around there and the second exposure will be around B= (0, offset). 


The [-nruns=int]  command-option indicates if a multrun or a single run command is going to be used for the data acquisition at each point.  If [-jitter=float] command–option is given, the A and B positions will be randomly generated to lie within a segment that is centred at each position. The dimension of the segment is the given  “jitter” value.


If the pattern is to be repeated,  the acquisition pattern is as follows:

For “ncyc” = 5,     AB  BA  AB  BA  AB.



ag_spec_nod   <exp_time>  [title] [-mndr=int] [-ncyc=int] [-nruns=int] [-offset=int] [jitter=float] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

mndr=4, ncyc=1, nruns=1, offset=12 arcsec,  jitter= 0.0,

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Same as “spec_nod” pattern, but the autoguider is guiding at each point.


Prior the start of the pattern, the detector´s number of reads is changed to perform “mndr” reads (default = 4 reads). At the end of the pattern, the number of reads is reseted to 1.




ag_spec_nod3   <exp_time>  [title] [-mndr=int] [-ncyc=int] [-nruns=int] [-offset=int] [-jitter=float] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

mndr=4, ncyc=1, nruns=1, offset=12 arcsec, jitter= 0.0,

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a pattern such that the telescope nods the object between three positions (B, A, C) along the slit. The A, B and A, C positions are separated “offset” arc seconds. Assuming  the object is centred on position A = (0, 0), the first exposure will be just around there, the second exposure will be around B = (0, offset) and the third will be around position C = (0, -offset).

The [-nruns=int]  command-option indicates if a multrun or a single run command is going to be used for the data acquisition at each point.  If [-jitter=float] command–option is given, the A,B and C positions will be randomly generated to lie within a segment that is centred at each position. The dimension of the segment is the given  “jitter” value.


 If the pattern is to be repeated,  the acquisition pattern is as follows: 

For “ncyc” = 4,     ABC,   ABC,  ABC,  ABC


Prior the start of the pattern, the detector´s number of reads is changed to perform “mndr” reads (default = 4 reads). At the end of the pattern, the number of reads is reseted to 1.



ag_spec_ext   <exp_time> <sky_offset>  [title]  [-mndr=int]  [-ncyc=int]  [-nruns=int]  [-jitter=float]  [-invert] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:


mndr=4, ncyc=1, nruns =1, jitter= 0.0


Use –invert command-option to reverse offset direction

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a pattern such that the telescope switches between the OBJECT and SKY.   Exposures at OBJECT positions are done with the autoguider ON.


If the pattern is to be repeated,  the SKY positions are randomly generated to lie on a 15 arc seconds segment  perpendicular to the slit centred at (sky_offset, 0).

The [-nruns=int]  command-option indicates if a multrun or a single run command is going to be used for the data acquisition at each point.  If [-jitter=float] command–option is given, the OBJECT positions will be randomly generated to lie within a segment of “jitter” value size along the direction of the slit.


For “ncyc” = 4,   the acquisition pattern is as follows: 

Obj Sky1    Obj Sky2   Obj Sky3    Obj Sky4


Prior the start of the pattern, the detector´s number of reads is changed to perform “mndr” reads (default = 4 reads). At the end of the pattern, the number of reads is reseted to 1.

Example: For “sky_offset” = 30 arcsec and “ncyc” = 3






(30 ,0) sky_off1


(0,0) Object




(24.7, 0) sky_off2


(34.2,0) sky_off3



sky_offset = 30 arcsec






ag_spec_map    <exp_time>  <npts>  <step>  <sky_offset>   [title] [-mndr=int] [-nruns=int] [-invert] [-cycle] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:


 mndr =4, nruns =1


Use –invert command-option to reverse sky offset direction

Use –cycle to repeat each sequence of OBJn, SKYn

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a pattern such that the telescope makes a map switching between OBJECT and SKY positions.   Exposures at OBJECT positions are done with the autoguider ON. 

The [-nruns=int]  command-option indicates if a multrun or a single run command is going to be used for the data acquisition at each point. 

Successive OBJECT positions are separated “step” arcs seconds in the direction perpendicular to the slit.  SKY positions are taken at a distance of “sky_offset” arc seconds from its corresponding OBJECT pair.

The acquisition pattern will be as follows:


obj1 sky1   obj2 sky2   obj3 sky3 …..objn skyn


If “-cycles” is given then each objN, skyN  pair is repeated, resulting in an acquisition pattern as follows:


obj1 sky1   obj1 sky1   obj2 sky2   obj2 sky2   obj3 sky3 obj3 sky3 ….  objn skyn objn skyn


Prior the start of the pattern, the detector´s number of reads is changed to perform “mndr” reads (default = 4 reads). At the end of the pattern, the number of reads is reseted to 1.



Acquisition Scripts


lacq_mask <slit_name> [-dbdir=string][-fcent = string]


Default Values for command-options:

dbdir  = /wht/var/

fcent  = /wht/var/liris_rotcent_pos.dat


This script places a calibration star in the first reference position of a multiobject mask. It is performed by defining the TCS aperture 0 and moving the WHT to that position. This script should be used prior  to the “lpos_mult”  script.



lpos_mult  <slit name> <exp_time(s)> <title> [-offset=int][-dbdir=string] [-nrun=int]


Default values for command-options:

offset = 5 (nodding offset must be less than half slit width)

dbdir  = /wht/var/

nrun = 1


This script should run after the “lacq_mask”. (STILL_TO_DO Describir commando)



lobject_inslit   <slit ID> <x1> <y1>  [<x2> <y2>…  <xn> <yn>]  [-fslitmap=string] [-ncor] [-noyoff] 


Default Values for command-options:

fslitmap  = /wht/var/liris_slitdb_pos.dat

Use –nocor  command-option to NOT perform telescope corrections due to flexures. (By default WHT corrections are done!).

Use –noyoff command-option to NOT adjust TCS Yoffset (Yoffset is 0). By default the WHT Yoffset is adjusted!).


Centres an object in a given <x,y> position within a slit by adjusting the WHT position.

   If more than one x ,y  positions are given then a multi slit is assumed.



Polarimetry Scripts



nod5_pol  <exp_time> [title] [-ncyc=int][-nruns=int] [-offset=int] [-jitter=float] [-clean]


Default values for command-options:

ncyc=1, nruns=1, offset=12 arcsec, jitter= 0.0,

Use –clean to discard the first 3 images before runs.


Moves the WHT in a pattern such that the telescope nods the object in 5 positions  (Pos3,  Pos4,  Pos0, Pos1,  Pos2).  Positions are separated  “offset” arc seconds.  Assuming  the object is centred at position Pos0  =  (0, 0), the first exposure will be just around there, the second exposure will be around  Pos1 = (offset,0),  the third at Pos2  = (offset * 2,0), the fourth at  Pos3  = (offset * -2, 0) and the fifth at Pos4  = (-offset, 0)

The [-nruns=int]  command-option indicates if a multrun or a single run command is going to be used for the data acquisition at each point.  If [-jitter=float] command–option is given, the positions will be randomly generated to lie within a segment that is centred at each position. The dimension of the segment is the given  “jitter” value.


 If the pattern is to be repeated,  the acquisition pattern is as follows: 

For “ncyc” = 2,     Pos3, Pos4, Pos0, Pos1, Pos2       Pos3, Pos4, Pos0, Pos1, Pos2



Other Scripts




Place LIRIS in sleep mode. Wheels are moved to their “blank” locations. Temperature control loop is turned OFF and all calibration lamps are turned off.



UltraDAS Commands


This section lists the most important UltraDAS commands used by LIRIS. For a complete UltraDAS commands see the UltraDAS User Manual.


udas_rdmode   liris <read_mode> <Nr> <Nc>                  

 Sets the detector read mode (MNDR /  RAMP),  the number of reads (Nr) and the number of coadditions (Nc) for future exposures.


udas_storemode  liris  <save_mode>                                     

 Sets the MNDR file save mode (normal /diff /diff_pre)  for future exposures.


udas_coave  liris  <Nc>                                                 

Sets the detector number of coadditions for future exposures.


arc  liris  <int_time>  [“title”]

Takes a run and sets OBSTYPE header parameter to ARC


multarc  liris   <N> <int_time> [“title”]

Repeats an arc N times


dark  liris    <int_time>  [“title”]

Takes a run and sets OBSTYPE header parameter to DARK


multdarc   liris   <N> <int_time> [“title”]

Repeats a DARK N times


flat             liris   <int_time>  [“title”]

Takes a run and sets OBSTYPE header parameter to FLAT


multflat     liris   <N> <int_time> [“title”]

Repeats flat N times


glance        liris    <int_time>

Takes a glance and saves it in:  The file is overwritten every time a new glance is taken.


multglance    liris   <N> <int_time>

Same as ´glance´, but produces a series of N exposures. Can be interrupted with Cntrl-C


run           liris   <int_time>   [“title”]

Takes a run and saves in: r<xxxxxx>.fit


multrun   liris   <N> <int_time> [“title”]

Repeats a run N times.


scratch     liris   <N>  <int_time>   [title]                 

Takes a run and saves in: s<n>.fit


multscratch    liris  <N> <int_time> [“title”]

Repeats a scratch  N times


dasreset     liris

It resets the LIRIS controller, sets up the read speed of the controller to SLOW and sets the store mode to DIFF. Engineering use !.


(STILL_TO_DO Obtener sintaxis cmd nuevo para # de cleans)

Telescope Remote Control Commands


This section lists the most important TCS commands used by LIRIS. For a complete TCS commands see the TCS User Manual.



Add current entry to TCS catalogue


aperture   <aperture number>

Offset the telescope so the image moves by a vector fixed in the focal plane.


autoguide  ON | OFF

Lock or unlock the autoguider loop.


gocat      <src_name>

Go to specified object in catalogue



Go to next object


object     <name> <ra> <dec> <equinox>

Define new object


offset     <offs_sys> <delta-ra> <delta-dec>

Offset the telescope from the reference position so that the image moves to a given position on the detector.


<offs_sys> = ARC à Tangent plane offset

<offs_sys> = TIME à RA, DEC offset

<delta-ra> <delta-dec> in radians.



Moves the telescope to the zenith park position and stops


rotate     <mode> <position angle>

Move telescope rotator


user       <string>

Send arbitrary USER command to TCS.

Note: The command string should be entered in quotes, unless it consists of only one word.


Under the “user” command LIRIS scripts use the following TCS commands.


user   “SLOWOFF <ra_off> <dec_off> <slew_rate>”

Same as “offset”, but telescope is moved slowly so that autoguider can track the guide star.

<ra_off> <dec_off> in degrees


user   “ENTER ARC 0 <xi_skyoffset> <eta_skyoff>”



user   “POSITION 0”



user   “AUTO ON <X> <Y>”


Tells the TCS to start guiding on the specified point.


user   “AUTO OFF”

Tells the TCS to stoop guiding


user  “TWEEK” <xoffset> <yoffset> <paoffset>





Diagnostic Commands



Reports the status of the EPICS Controller and LIRIS Mechanisms.



Reports the status of the LIRIS Calibration LAMPS.



Reports the status of the pressure sensors inside the cryostat.



Reports the status of the ´setpoint´ temperature and temperature sensors inside the cryostat.