Telescope Operator notes for WEAVE ADC test =========================================== These notes are for TCS version W78-0-1 (and later) These tests do not require the dome to be open. TCS configuration ----------------- The recommended configuration for the TCS is STATION WEAVE INSTRUMENT WEAVE AGSELECT MOS Check that the WEAVE rotator can be moved from Telescope Main Control Panel --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the main control panel use the black buttons beneath the display to move the rotator plus and minus. Although movement can be see using the MAIN display, more detailed status is available on the WEAVE axis display. Use this to help diagnose the problems with moving the rotator. Possible problems - see WEAVE axis display (1) Control has been enabled from Engineering GUI - remedy is to release control. (2) Rotator in bad state (e.g. limits active, telescope at Access Park so low altitude interlock active) Put the Telecope into Computer Mode ----------------------------------- Use the main control panel Enable the automatic ADC corrections ------------------------------------ ADC ENABLE You can check the setting on PAGE WEAVE - should see "ADC automatic correction ENABLED" Set Telescope tracking ---------------------- Set the telescope tracking on ROT SKY 0 SOURCE EAST LST+5HOURS 25 00 00 J2000 ADD GOTO EAST Check that the telescope goes to tracking. For the ADC test it's not essential that the rotator is tracking. If it does track, ajust the sky pa so that the time to rotator limit is a maximum (ideally over 10 hours) Check the the ADC elements are in position (ADC labels steady on PAGE INFO, ADC plate 1 IN POSN ADC plate 2 IN POSN shown on PAGE WEAVE) Frank Gribbin 11 Sep 2020 Changes: 27-Nov-2002 Updated TCS version. /home/fjg/tcs/weave/weave_adc_tests.txt