OSA EXPO notes

Operational Checks for ExPO

0) Visual check in GHRIL that it is ok to move rotator.  
   [Consult with ExPo team. If necessary move manually in engineering 
    mode from within GHRIL]. 

1) Start the default TCS. Make sure GHRIL rotator 
   power is on.

2) Set up for ExPo 


3) Do the usual telescope checks. Once telescope in is computer mode 
      ROT SKY 300.5               
   Then do the normal tracking test. Note that the GHRIL rotator
   will follow the elevation (you can see this from within GHRIL).
   Note that the values shown for Rotator Mount PA are measured in
   reverse direction!     

   Leave telescope tracking  

4) Switch autoguider control to ExPo

      Move the autoguider selector switch (in control room 
   above lpss85) to position marked [ExPo]. 

5) Start the observing system on taurus. 
      Any convenient configuration (e.g. that for standard Cass
   instrument with ACAM). 

6) Check TCS Staus page for ExPo 

   Start a web browser. Enter the URL 

   Should see page like 

   LAST=21 9 15.184

   Azimuth and Altitude are shown in degrees and should
   correspond to that shown on TCS info display. LAST is
   (Local Apparent) Sidereal Time  and should correspond to
   that on Info display   
   Press RELOAD in the browser.Check that the sidereal time 

   If values don't correspond or don't update, check that TCS and 
   observing system are running. Then see troubleshooting section


A) TCS status page for ExPo does not update or does not 
   show values corresponding to those on  

   i)   First check you typed the URL correctly. THen Check that
        TCS and observing system are running. Start them if necessary.

   ii)  Check drama connection from observing system to TCS. 
        In the pink window 

           tcs page 

        If the TCS info page does not change, drama communications
        have failed: perform recovery procedure (a) below. 

   iii) Check parameter noticeboard. In observing system 
        pink window get sidereal time using command  

           ParameterNoticeBoardLister -item TCS.last  

        Check against TCS info display. Repeat command 
        and check it has changed (updated every second).

        If this does not update, shutdown and restart the 
        observing system.Then repeat checks from (ii) 
    iv) Check that the tomcat webserver is running. 


        You should see the tomcat welcome page. If not 
        then tomcat is down. Cotact computing group or 
        reboot taurus using the shut a/c. Restart the 
        observing system and start checks from (ii).  

a) Remaking drama connection to TCS  

   (i)  Simplest way is to shutdown observing system, 
        shutdown TCS, start TCS and start observing 

   (ii) To save time one can restart Drama task (TELD)
        on TCS. Log into TCS alpha as normal, type 

        window disappears.   
        In observing system pink window 

           online TCS@lpas4 
           tcs page 

        If TCS Info page changes, have recovered connection. 


   For startup, see the DE notes above. 

1) Guiding. 

   To start applying guiding corrections  

      AUTO ON 50 50 

   to stop applying corrections

      AUTO OFF 

2) Handset 

      Expo does not use a derotator, hence field rotates. 
   I suggest using the ALT-AZ mode of the handset. However
   even in this mode direction of corrections will change
   with altitude.  


   ExPo does not have a separate autoguider camera. Instead 
it analyses images of the star being observed in the centre
of the field and sends correction packets to TCS. 

   The ExPo windows PC in GHRIL opens through it's COM2 port
a connection to portserver10 (in the control desk underneath lpss85) 
port 1. From there a cable (labelled ExPo) runs to the switch
which must be set at position labelled EXPO. 

   On the TCS encoders page (PAGE ENC) the latest autoguider
packet recived is shown at the bottom. A typical packet 
looks like 
   0050.00 0050.00 0001.01 
The last decimal place will change between 1 and 0 when 
TCS is receiving updates. 

   Note that the ExPo PC GUI shows a red light for the port
connection even when it is connected. 

   In case of problems check
     (i)   switch is in correct position
     (ii)  ExPo is sending corrections (have to enable guiding)
     (iii) Power cycle portserver10

   It seems to be a reproducible problem that when the ExPo 
PC is rebooted the portserver does not drop the connection
and so ExPo cannot reconnect. So after PC reboot

     (i)  Check portserver state using device manager  
             Right click My Computer.
             Choose properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager 
             Locate Multi-port serial adapters, expand if necessary 
             Choose portserver10, right click and choose
             properties -> advanced 

     (ii) If connection not shown as connected, power cycle the 

   At time of writing [Oct 2010] portserver10 is (regrettably) shared
with CANARY, so ExPo and CANARY cannot be used at the same time. In 
case of problems it would be worth checking that CANARY guiding is 
not active.         


   The rotator is used to maintain corrector plate aligned
with tertiary mirror. The mount pa ranges from 240 deg at
zenith to 320 deg at elevation of 10 degrees. 

   When the rotator limit cam (as used for INTEGRAL) is 
fixed at the 180 deg mark on the rotator plate, it can 
never be reached in normal ExPo operation, but does 
prevent over rotation and so protects the instrument

EXPO display

   It is useful to have a copy of the ExPo PC desktop for
target acquisition. On a convenient linux system 
(e.g. todisplay2): 

   vncviewer -viewonly expo

   Note that for this to work, the expo_remote user must
be logged on at the ExPo PC in GHRIL. 
