Guide Star Catalog

revised 18/09/01

The Guide Star Catalog is used to pick up suitable guidestars while observing through the GSS interface. Using GSS directly: An easier way to query the catalog is though the script @gs: The advantage using the script is that it will accept many different formats of input coordinates:
180 12 30 43 28 13 41 j2000
180 12 30 43.000 +28 13 41.00 j2000
180    12 30 43 28.00          DEC 028 13 41.00      j2000
The last two rows would not be accepted by GSS, but are ok for @gs They are what you get if you cut-paste with the mouse
- Coordinates from the TCS catalogue (out term)
- Telescope coordinates from the TCS infodisplay

The autoguider coordinates for the found guidestars must be passed using the apprirate command, i.e. 'autoxy','guide on pixel', 'prag', etc. Cass AG probe on the wht can be moved from the TO terminal using the 'toPprag' command:

19/07/2001:Added the new option "OWN" to the instrument list of the WHT. The script now automatically subtracts 90 degs to the rotator in this case and also for the "AUX" option.
In summary: use @gs for anything but STJ, for which "GHRIL" has to be used (despite of the TCS 'instrument own' mode). (Use OWN for Sauron and PlanNebulaSpectr)
I don't know about CIRSI at the WHT; whenever it comes, try and let me know.