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Danny Lennon

Research interests:
Stars: Massive stars, supergiants, evolution, mass-loss, atmospheres, extragalactic stellar spectroscopy
Galaxies: Star-forming, chemical evolution, spectral synthesis

Recent highlights:
  1. Completed optical and UV high resolution survey of O-stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud using HST/STIS, ESO 3.6m and AAT. First results indicate that rotation plays a crucial role in the evolution of massive stars and spectral synthesis of high redshift galaxy galaxy M1512-cB58 shows better agreement with new low metallicity library . The survey is to be extended to B-stars with an award of 64 orbits on HST.
  2. Observations of supergiants in M31 and M33 have provided the first direct and detailed information on abundance patterns and gradients in these galaxies from stars providing important constraints on galaxy evolution models.

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Last Updated: 5 February 2001
Saskia Prins stp@ing.iac.es