Dear Reader, I am pleased to announce the first issue of the ING Newsletter, which is now released at With the closure of the RGO last year the Spectrum Newsletter, an important source of information for ING users, was discontinued. >From now on ING will produce a newsletter in which you will find news about the telescopes, instruments, developments, and science results. The ING Newsletter will be published twice per year. The main distribution route will be the World-Wide-Web, although printed copies will be dispatched to university libraries. This distribution policy ensures fast 'delivery' at low cost (and to find an older copy you only have to remember the Web address !). I hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter. For comments and contributions don't hesitate to contact the editorial team ! Rene Rutten Director, ING ============================================================= * To unsubscribe from [INGNEWS] send to the command "unsubscribe ingnews" in the body of the message. Please don't type in the quotation marks and leave the subject field and the rest of the body empty. * You can subscribe to this mailing list by sending an email to with the message "subscribe ingnews
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