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Controlling INTEGRAL: A Glossary of Commands

Details of the commands available from ICL are given below, Commands may be issued in any mixture of upper and lower case. Most commands offer help and prompt if no parameters are specified.

IAF Move AU filter wheel to new position
IGF Move GU filter wheel to new position
IXA Set autoguider slide X axis to absolute position
IYA Set autoguider slide Y axis to absolute position
IXR Move autoguider slide X axis by relative position
IYR Move autoguider slide Y axis by relative position
ISA Move autoguider X/Y slides to absolute position
ISR Move autoguider X/Y slides by relative position
ILA Turn on/off any of the calibration lamps
IDA Move mechanism to datum point
IUP Update position of a mechanism
IST Stop a mechanism
ISP Move Swing plate to a new position
IG General purpose command covering all the above options

Move the acquisition filter wheel to a new position. This command can also set a default position for the filter wheel. The default position can then be set by just typing IAF <CR>.

Command long-form: IAFW

ICL Command Format:

IAF posn Move AU filter wheel to <posn>
IAF SetDefault posn Set default position to <posn>
IAF Move filter wheel, prompt for <posn>

Move the guider filter wheel to a new position. This command can also set a default position for the filter wheel. The default position can then be set by just typing IGF<CR>.

Command long-form: IGFW

ICL Command Format:

IGF posn Move GU filter wheel to <posn>
IGF SetDefault posn Set default position to <posn>
IGF Move filter wheel, prompt for <posn>

Turn on or off any of the INTEGRAL calibration lamps. A prompt will be issued for the lamp name and for the state if none is supplied on the command line.

Current lamp options are: CuNe, CuAr and White

Command long-form: ILamps

ICL Command Format:

ILA <lamp> <On|Off> Turn calibration lamp <lamp> ON or OFF

Move the autoguider X slide to a new position. The new position is an absolute position in microns. A prompt will be issued if no parameter is supplied.

Command long-form: IXSlideAbs

ICL Command Format:

IXA position Move autoguider X slide to <position>

Move the autoguider Y slide to a new absolute position. The position is specified in microns. A prompt will be issued if no parameter is given.

Command long-form: IYSlideAbs

ICL Command Format:

IYA position Move autoguider Y slide to <position>

Move the autoguider X slide by a relative amount specified in microns. A prompt will be issued if no parameter is specified. The offset is relative to the current position.

Command long-form: IXSlideRel

ICL Command Format:

IXR delta Move autoguider X slide by <delta>

Move the autoguider Y slide by a relative amount specified in microns. A prompt will be issued if no parameter is specified. The offset is relative to the current position.

Command long-form: IYSlideRel

ICL Command Format:

IYR delta Move autoguider Y slide by <delta>

Move both axes of the autoguider slide to a new absolute position. Both axes will move simultaneously and the command will complete when both have reached their final positions. Positions are specified in microns.

Command long-form: IAGAbs

ICL Command Format:

ISA X Y Move autoguider slide to (X,Y)

Move both axes of the autoguider slide by a specified amount relative to the current position. Both axes will move simultaneously and the command will complete when both moves have finished. The deltas are specified in microns.

Command long-form: IAGRel

ICL Command Format:

ISR dX dY Move autoguider slide by (dX,dY)

Move a selected mechanism to its datum point. The mechanism should be specified by name or abbreviation, and will be prompted for if not supplied.

Command long-form: IMechDatum

ICL Command Format:

IDA <mech> Move <mech> to its datum point.

Updates the mechanism's position by instructing the micro to report the current position.

Command long-form: IMechUpdate

ICL Command Format:

IUP <mech> Update position of <mech>

Stops the specified mechanism if it is currently moving. Any outstanding ADAM command on the mechanism must be CANCEL'led first.

Command long-form: IMechStop

ICL Command Format:

IST <mech> Stop <mech>

Move the swing plate to select a new fibre bundle. The command also selects whether the bundle is used at its observing or calibration position. Prompts will be offered if parameters are not specified.

Command long-form: ISPFC

ICL Command Format:

ISP bundle position Select <bundle> at <position> where <position> = CALIBRATION!OBSERVING

General purpose command to control all aspects of INTEGRAL operation. If parameters are not specified, then appropriate prompts and help are supplied.

ICL Command Format:

IG act mech p1 p2 Perform action <act> on mechanism <mech> parameters <p1> and <p2> may be supplied if required.

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