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CCDs for the ING Telescopes

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The CCDs on the Isaac Newton Group (ING) of telescopes have undergone a programme of upgrades over the period 1991/92 in which small-format devices have been replaced by larger ones. All three telescopes now have at least one EEV CCD-05-30 detector of size pixels. This device provides a respectable image format together with low noise (), and excellent imaging properties. However, it is not available in thinned form and so it's quantum efficiency is 50% at best. Also, the pixel size () is rather larger than we would like.

More recently (1992/93) we have been introducing a set of Tektronix TK1024 CCDs. These devices provide the much-wanted improvements in quantum efficiency since they are available in thinned form. However, their image format is still modest (), and their pixel size is still larger than desired ().

In order to significantly enhance our CCD imaging capability, we decided that the next step would be to introduce even larger arrays, with the essential back-thinned spectral response, and having smaller pixels. This document contains an analysis of what we desire at various focal stations, followed by a discussion about possible CCDs, concluding with some recommendations for purchase of new CCDs.

We undertook a fact-finding tour of the USA, and a report of this is included. We have also had many discussions with the AAO, who also want to procure similar devices to us, and may join with us in the procurement of new chips. Similarly, the Italian Galileo team are interested in our decisions and have been discussing the possibility of joint-funding.
Fri Sep 9 14:55:39 BST 1994