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QDI(PARM)/DI(PARM) - Enquire and alter display parameters

QDIPARM prints what the current display parameters are. DIPARM alters them. Initially no scaling will be performed.


QDIPARM requires none. For DIPARM: -

option - 1,2 or 3 for scaling options NONE (no scaling), FOLD (scale with wraparound) and TRUNCATE (scale with no wraparound) respectively.

low - if option > 1, data value to map to minimum intensity

high - if option > 1, data value to map to maximum intensity

If omitted, all parameters are prompted for.


Adam:> DIPARM 1 [scale = none]

If the parameters are omitted, so a prompt is issued for option the user response should ne N, F or T , not 1,2 or 3, and a response of ``?'' will show what the acceptable responses are. This comment is also true of the DATA and MODE commands.

For maximum information content, the FOLD scaling option is recommended.

Fri Jun 10 17:31:56 BST 1994