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A CCD is an area image sensor, a 2-D detector which is the electronic equivalent of a photographic plate. Its enormous attractions for astronomers are threefold: linearity, dynamic ranges of 10,000 being realized; speed, with quantum efficiencies of up to 90 %, and wavelength response, some devices being usable from the near UV (< 300 nm) to the near IR (> 1 ).

Part I of this manual attempts to take the reader from a position of ignorance about CCDs (Section 1) through design of the observations (Sections 2-4) to carrying out the observations themselves (Sections 5- 6). It also provides a short summary for experienced users in Section 7. Parts II and III of the manual describe the software commands associated with the CCD and the JKT A and G box, respectively.

Fri Jun 10 17:31:56 BST 1994