bin: set binning factors for the CCD mosaic


bin sets the binning factors for the CCD mosaic in the x and y directions. All subsequent observations use this binning until bin is run again or the observing system is restarted.


   bin x y
where x and y are the factors for the x and y directions respectively. Valid binning factors are integers in the range 1..4.

Notes and caveats:

The binning factors may be different on each axis but the same pair of factors are used for all the science CCDs in the mosaic.

Selecting a binning factor higher than one on either or both axes drops the readout speed down to binned and leaves it there indefinitely. Use the rspeed command to restore a higher speed after you restore the binning to 1x1.

This page was last revised on 1998-04-16, for s6.1.