shutdownobssys: close down programs on the system computer


This command closes down displays and server programs on the system computer. For the WFC, it first turns off the autoguider and closes the shutter.


At the prompt `Do you want to wipe out the system?', answer yes if you want to stop observing or if you want to restart the system completely. Answer no if you just want to clear away displays.

Follow shutdownobssys with startobssys for a complete reset of the system-computer programs.

Notes and caveats:

This command may be entered at either the TO's station (the terminal window with the `TO>' prompt) or the observer's station (the terminal window with the `SYS>' prompt).

Issuing shutdownobssys to the system computer doesn't close down the DAS, the autoguider or the TCS.

This page was last revised on 1998-04-16, for s6.1.