obsdata: change data directories in the DAS


obsdata changes the directory in which the DAS writes observations.

The DAS uses a directory-naming convention in which the final sub-directory is the date on which the observing-night began. The sub-directory can be in one of a number of raw-data disks and obsdata selects the disk; the DAS adds the date to the directory name.

obsdata also changes the directory scanned by the automatic observing-log and passes the logger the approximate size of the FITS file for each observation. This information is used to generate the listing of free space at the bottom of the log display.


   obsdata partition file-size
where partition is the full path-name of the partition up to but not including the date and file-size is in megabytes.


   obsdata /obsdata/inta 68
given at 1600hrs on 26th March 1997 selects the directory
(The INT WFC produces roughly 68MB per exposure on all four channels combined.)

Notes and caveats:

For observing, only the directories in the /obsdata tree should be used. For system tests, any directory can be used for which the user has read, write and execute permission.

The date-specific part of the directory name is changed automatically at noon. You do not need to re-run obsdata to acheive this change.

This page was last revised on 1998-04-16, for s6.1.