1. Starting the Observing System


- Before performing a 'startobssys', log in as whtobs to the PC (currently whticspc) to the right of the ICS computer. This is essential for the AO light path mimic to be correctly launched.

- When configuring OASIS into the observing system, ensure that NAOMIACQ (currently AG3) and NAOMISIMPLEX (currently AG7) are also configured.

- Start the observing system in the usual way. Ensure that the following pop up windows appear:

·       Talker

·       Observing Log

·       ULTRADAS camera mimic

·       Who goes there?

·       OASIS RTD tool

·       ds9 image display window (used for the display of the RTD images)

·       Acquisition tool

·       Light path mimic (This should automatically appear on the whticspc screen.)


- Start up the Codeso software so that you use the INGRID/LIGHTPATH/OASIS control GUI as follows:


·         Bring up a terminal on whticsdisplay1.


·         Log onto the machine on which Codeso will be used (lpss94 in December 2007):

whtobs@whticsdisplay1> ssh –X whtobs@lpss94


·         Use the obssys command to set up the correct environment. Do not perform a startobssys.

whtobs@lpss94> obssys


·         At this point you need to start the ‘oasisserver’ if it is not already running. To establish if it has already been started either (i) ask the person who is flattening the mirror or (ii) check whether the following processes are present using this command:


TO@lpss94>ps –ef | grep ServerRunner


  whtobs 13890     1   0 11:00:30 ?           0:12 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=aomode –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht

  whtobs 13875     1   0 11:00:29 ?           4:46 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=usp –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht/re

  whtobs  7191  6823   0 14:29:44 pts/3       0:00 grep ServerRunner

  whtobs 13858     1   0 11:00:27 ?           0:40 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=seemon –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht

  whtobs 13871     1   0 11:00:28 ?           0:22 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=plcmsg –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht

  whtobs 13886     1   0 11:00:30 ?           3:14 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=tcs –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht/re

  whtobs 13888     1   0 11:00:30 ?           0:12 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=configurator –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.ja

  whtobs 13881     1   0 11:00:29 ?           5:06 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=obstool –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wh

  whtobs 13873     1   0 11:00:29 ?           1:25 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=aoadc –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht/

  whtobs 13869     1   0 11:00:28 ?           1:23 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=plcdc –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht/

  whtobs 13862     1   0 11:00:28 ?           1:39 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=ngrid –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht

  whtobs 13884     1   0 11:00:29 ?          10:10 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=nbupdate –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/w

  whtobs 13860     1   0 11:00:27 ?           3:04 java –DserverRunner=1 –Dname=oasis –classpath /wht/release/lib/codeso.jar:/wht/


If these ‘java –DServerRunner’ processes are not present, then type:

TO@lpss94> startoasisserver


·         To start the GUI type:


TO@lpss94> startoasisgui


·         The GUI should appear. Once the server has finished starting up, all the status items in the (i) OASIS, (ii) OBSTOOL and (iii) Light Path tabs should be colour coded in either green or pink (excluding the ADC). If any item is in red then this indicates a problem. (Pay careful attention to (i) the OASIS mechanisms and (ii) the dichroic changer.)


- If the NGS system is being used, rather than the LGS system, type at the taurus prompt:


SYS@taurus> setAOmode NGS


The NGS WFS status on the light path mimic should automatically be updated to show the status of CCD39 (rather than the L3CCD).

2. Take a test bias frame


[Access to the AO bench is NOT required.]


1.      To configure the MITLL3 detector for AO observations, type at the prompt:


SYS@taurus> setcamera oasis


Ignore any error messages saying “Unable to handle the type for …”.


2.      Take a bias image by entering at the prompt:


SYS@taurus> bias oasis


3.      Display the bias frame with IRAF and check the noise with imexam. The standard deviation should be ~2.5.


4.      Check the obslog to ensure headers are being collected.



3. Initialising the USP Mechanisms


1. In the next steps various bench mechanisms will be moved.


·         From a safety point of view, make sure nobody is working inside GRACE at the AO bench.


·         If another engineer/astronomer is flattening the mirror, check whether you can have access to the AO light path for a few minutes.

2. If this is the first night of an observer’s run:


Go to the LIGHTPATH tab of the INGRID/LIGHTPATH/OASIS Codeso Control GUI and put the Bench in the Fixed position if is ‘Floated’. This is essential for taking arc frames (see later), and should be done in advance as it can take ~ 5 minutes for the bench to reach the required position.


3. Select the 'Light Path' tab page from the Codeso Control GUI. For each of the following mechanisms, go to their drop down menu and select Initialise. (Note that all the initialisations can be performed simultaneously.)

·       NCU slide

·       Irises - Spectral

·       Irises - Continuum

·       Irises - Simplex

·       Filter focus



4. Take a test arc frame


This section should NOT be performed during the middle of an observer’s run as it will alter the instrument configuration.


1.      In the next steps various bench mechanisms will be moved.


·         From a safety point of view, make sure nobody is working inside GRACE at the AO bench.


·         If another engineer/astronomer is flattening the mirror, check whether you can have access to the AO light path for a few minutes.


2.      You should already have selected the correct windowing and binning for OASIS while testing the bias. If not, type at the prompt:


SYS@taurus> setcamera oasis


3.      Go to the OBSTOOL tab of the INGRID/LIGHTPATH/OASIS Codeso Control GUI. Use the configuration tool to set up the light path for an arc, as follows:

·         Select the Spectral config to be MR661

·         Select the Spatial sampling to be 0.26 spectro (22mm)

·         Select the Observing mode to be Arc (Neon)

·         Click on the Select All button

·         Click on Configure Selected Items

While OASIS and the AO bench are being configured, the status items on the Codeso GUI will appear in blue.


4.      Check that the AO light path mimic is being updated. The status of moving mechanisms should be indicated by blue text. Once configured, (i) the mimic should display a light blue line starting from the NCU slide and reaching the OASIS detector, (ii) none of the mechanisms on the mimic should be colour coded blue and (iii) the five fields under ‘Configure’ on the OBSTOOL GUI should be colour coded green.


5.      Take an arc image by entering at the prompt:


SYS@taurus> arc oasis 2 “Ne MR661_26”


During the exposure and its readout, check that the OASIS camera status is being updated on the light path mimic (in the bottom right hand corner).


6.      Wait until the detector has been read out and has been 100% processed. Make sure the images are written (with TCS header information) to the observing log. The log should also display the OASIS configuration and observing mode (MR661_26  3) under the column ‘Filters etc’.


7.      Immediately after the reading out, the Real Time Display Tool (RTD) should detect the new image file and load it to the ds9 display window. Check that this is the case.


8.      Check that the OASIS image headers of the arc image are okay. These can be checked as follows:


SYS@taurus> imhead /obsdata/whta/2008????/r???????.fit | grep ^OA


The following headers should appear:


OAFCLASS=                    3 / File Class (for DR)

OAPSCAL = 'n/a               ' / Imaging Plate Scale (microns/arcsec)

OACONFIG= 'MR661_26          ' / Configuration Name

OAFOCPL = 'Clear Aperture 1  ' / Focal Plane Id

OAENLRGE= '22 mm, 11.2       ' / Enlarger Id

OAFILTER= 'MR661,6214-7001,6161-7100,6.05,1.40,-3.33' / Filter Id

OAIMAGER= 'Clear aperture,   ' / Imaging Id

OASAMPLE= 'TIGER lens array,1.19,8.24' / Sampler id

OAWDGSL =                    1 / Wedge Slide (1=IN/0=OUT)

OAWDGAN = '-17.0             ' / Wedge Angle

OAGRISM = 'R300,300,21.6,SK5,7300,5500-9500' / Grism Id

OACAMPOS=            -3.330000 / Camera Position


9.      Use IRAF to display the arc frame and check that an array of (thousands of) bright spots is present. These spots should all fall within the image array and not touch the top or bottom. There should also be a gap of ~50 pixels at the right hand side where the overscan region is. Use imexam and the ‘r’ button to fit a radial profile to one of the brighter spots. The peak counts should be ~20000-30000 counts.



5.    Test Communication with the TCS


[Access to the AO bench is NOT required.]


Check the OCSCorbaDramaInterface is working: Check that the sidereal time (ST) is being updated every second at the top of the AO light path mimic. If not, this is likely to indicate that either (i) the TCS is not running or (ii) there is a problem with the OCSCorbaDramaInterface and it should be restarted (see http://www.ing.iac.es:8081/faultdb/DisplayFaultDetails.fmsc?FaultId=17037 for details).



6. Test the Acquisition Tool can grab images from AG3/OASIS


[Access to the AO bench is NOT required.]


1        Type at the prompt:


SYS@taurus> setcamera oasis ag3


This will ensure that the correct windowing and binning is selected for the two cameras.


2        Locate the “Acquisition Tool” GUI.


3        Click on the menu option Grab, then select Grab Acquisition Image. A “Grab Image” GUI should appear. Check that the top parameter, “Duration (secs)”, is set to a low value (e.g. 1 or 0.1), altering it if necessary.


4        Click on Grab Image. This should take an AG3 exposure and automatically load it into the display window of the main GUI. (Some green and/or red overlays should also be drawn.) If there is an error message saying “Unable to find scratch file /tmp/acquisitionImage.fit” then click on ‘OK’ and click on Grab Image again. (The error sometimes occurs the first time the acquisition tool is used.)


5        Now click on the menu option Grab, then select Grab OASIS Image. An “OASIS Image Acquisition” GUI should appear. Check that the “Duration (secs)” is set to a low value (e.g. 1), altering it if necessary.


6        Click on Grab Image. This should take an OASIS exposure and automatically load it into the display window of the main GUI. (This should take less than a minute.) A yellow overlay should also be drawn.



Document History


Rev 1.0 Dec 18th 2005 JR; OASIS checks based on INGRID checks document.

Rev 1.1 Nov 3rd 2007 JR; Parts removed already contained in principal WHT check document.

Rev 2.0 Nov 6th 2007 srix; new document.

Rev 2.1 Dec 18th 2007 srix, improved clarity and added instructions for starting CODESO


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THIS FILE: http://www.ing.iac.es/~eng/ops/wht/oasis_checks.html