Instrument Shutter Types
Focus Type Driver Comments
ISIS Red Prontor Direct Prontor modified to run pneumatically using 24v solenoid & using hettich status switches (5v). 
ISIS Blue Prontor Direct Prontor modified to run pneumatically using 24v solenoid & using hettich status switches (5v). 
Aux. Port Compur Direct Compur has built in status switches
LDSS Prontor 4MS shutter card 4MS deals with interlocks etc
WYFFOS Prontor Direct Microswitches provide feedback
UES . ? Emulates Prontor type shutter
PFIP Prontor Direct Microswitches provide feedback
Sauron French Direct Prontor equivalent with dummy relay feedback.
IDS235/500/Musicos In-house MMS Shutter is part of instrument but emulates a Prontor
WFC n/a n/a Shutter is controlled by instrument
JAG Prontor Direct Requires 5V for status switches (currently from CCDC temp. cable)
SHACK-HARTMANN Prontor Direct With dummy relay feedback
QE Rig Prontor Direct With dummy relay feedback.

Shutter card setup for the Dutch controllers and for the SDSU controllers

Instructions for changing over shutter types in Dutch controllers

For PRONTOR Shutter types, INSERT Link JP4 on the RGO Controller SPRAT Board. Now type 'PRONTOR-SHUTTER' on the controller engineering terminal.

For COMPUR Shutter types, REMOVE Link JP4 on the RGO Controller SPRAT Board. Now type 'COMPUR-SHUTTER' on the controller engineering terminal.

Instructions for changing over shutter types in SDSU controllers

For PRONTOR Shutter type, REMOVE link JP1and INSERT link between pins 1 and 2 on JP2 on the SDSU shutter card.

For COMPUR shutter type, INSERT link JP1 on and INSERT link between pins 1 and 2 on JP2 on the SDSU shutter cards