Fe55 Xray Source
CTE and Gain Measurement

For this Xray source the responsible person is Simon Tulloch. No one is to use it without his supervision. The source is very low activity (below the licensing threshold). When kept in its storage cryostat the Xrays emitted by the source are fully blocked by the cryostat walls.

This 1 MBequerel  Fe55 source was purchased in Jan 2004. Product code IERB11784. Supplied  by Nucliber in Madrid (Fax 091 539 4330).
It is the highest activity source that we can hold without having to pay licensing fees. The geometry of the source gives approximately 1000 xray events per second per square centimetre in a thinned CCD. Exposures of approximately 20s are required  in order to obtain enough events for measurement of CTE and gain. The half life of the Fe55 isotope is approximately 2.6 years.  The source is deposited on a small coin like copper disc and overcoated with nickel. This disc is mounted on a vacuum rotary feedthrough where it can be turned to face the detector to make the exposure.  When turned away the detector receives no Xrays. In this system the source is operated in a vacuum. This avoids the need for a Beryllium window (transparent to soft Xrays) which is an extremely hazardous material. For safety purposes we also have a soft Xray scintillation  monitor : a Mini Instruments 900-44B. This is supplied by ThermoElectron corporation in Reading UK (fax 0044 1189 712 835). When not used the source is stored under vacuum inside a detector cryostat.

The source emits X rays at three energies. The emission is caused by the inner electron of the Fe55 isotope being captured by the nucleus, transforming it into Manganese.  By far the most intense of these emissions is at 5.899KeV (the so called Mn KAlpha line), but there are weaker peaks at 6.490KeV (Mn KBeta) and  4.12KeV (KAlpha escape). When these Xrays are absorbed by silicon they produce large photoelectron events:
Mn KAlpha gives 1620 electrons, Mn KBeta  1778 electrons and the KAlpha escape 1133electrons. Occaisonally, the absorbed Xray photon is re-emitted (fluoresced) by the silicon of the detector and is reabsorbed later where it produces a photo-electron event of 487e. All of these X rays are easily attenuated: 1mm of aluminium reduces the 6KeV  flux by a factor of 1 million. The cryostat walls are 3mm thick.

Source and Monitor
Source mounted on CCD Camera

Gain (i.e. electrons per ADU) measurements are very staightforward and accurate using this system. The Xray images are histogrammed and the bias and Mn KAlpha pixels are identified.The  difference between these peaks corresponds to 1620e. Horizontal charge transfer efficiency (HCTE)can be calculated by  comparing histograms taken from pixels at the left and right hand sides of the image. A poor CTE chip will show lower Xray events at the side of the image furthest from the readout amplifier. Likewise, comparing histograms of pixels at top and bottom of the image gives the Vertical charge transfer efficiency (VCTE).

Most Xrays pass right through a thinned CCD. The 20% or so that are stopped are absorbed all depths throughout the silicon. Most of the charge that is generated is shared between several pixels ; so called split events. A very small percentage , however, create 'single pixel events' and it is these that are  useful diagnostically. The image below shows just how scarce these single pixel events are.

A small section of an Xray image.

The plot below is derived from an Xray image taken with the  EEV10 camera ( which contains a CCD4280 device). The pixel data was fed through a filter program to extract only the single pixel X ray events. The program gave an output consisting of the X and Y coordinates as well as the height in ADU of each of these events.  This plot shows the event height  along the y axis and the column number of the event along the x axis. The bias level was 435ADU.

The 1620e Mn KAlpha peak is located at 1130ADU, so we can immediately calculate the gain as 1620/(1130-bias) = 2.3e/ADU . The height of the KAlpha line is constant with increasing column number so we can also tell that the HCTE is very good.

Simon Tulloch
April 2004


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